Page 8 of Darkest Dawn

She’s baiting me, I know it, but I need this. I reach down, shoving my hand into my boxers and wrap it around my rock-hard shaft. My hold is tight, practically cutting off circulation, but I know my woman is going to be tight. She’s not a virgin but she’s not like all these other college girls. Most trying to sleep with as many guys as they can before the decided to settle down with kids and the white picket fence dream. No, not my Dawn. She’s been with Garret, the douche bag and one other guy before him according to her social media. No, Dawn is my good naughty girl.

I watch as she adds a finger and increases her thrusting movements, rocking her hips as she rides her own fingers. I bite down on my lip, tasting blood as I match her pace on my throbbing cock. Little moans continue to slip past her lips as she fucks herself harder. She reaches up with her other hand and pinches her nipple hard, letting loose a low lust full moan out that makes my balls tingle in anticipation. Her eyes lock onto the camera as she suddenly brings her hand back down and pinches her clit. “Oh god. Oh god. I’m gon- I’m gonna-“She stutters over her words lost on the razor edge of an organism.

“Come! Now!” I demand, my voice hoarse and thick with my own lust filled thoughts, but like the good girl I knew she would be, she does. Her body shutters, head falling back, toes curling, back arching, muscles tightening as she finally reaches that ecstasy of overwhelming pleasure. Her breathing is ragged as she takes a deep breath. I continue to stroke myself hard and at a steady pace, I know I’m close but delayed gratification and all.

When she finally gets herself under control, she sits up. After a minute, she looks back up at the camera, eyes still filled with hazy lust before she opens that beautiful mouth of hers and absolutely destroys me. “Was I a good girl?” Electricity shoots through my body heading straight to my balls making me come hard, jet after jet of hot cum squirts from my tip, landing on my lower stomach.

“FuckkkkkkKK.” I groan, my body racked with pure pleasure from those five simple words leaving such an innocent mouth. I can’t move or even speak after how hard I just came, but she just sits there batting those long lashes at me, waiting for the praise I know she craves. She craves more than just my praise, too. Tomorrow, I will show her just what she needs from a man like me.

I take a deep breath, calming my racing heart before I speak one last time. “Good Girl.”

Chapter 7


Mybreathingiserraticas I sit here staring at my now black screen. I just did that. I just fucked myself in front of my camera; for my stalker to watch and probably get off on. What is wrong with me? I’m sick, right? But that voice. I know he was changing his voice, trying to make it deeper but fuck did it do things to my pussy. It was faintly familiar, but I was so lost in chasing my orgasm high that I couldn’t focus enough on where I heard it.

I take a deep breath in and hold for a second before exhaling in a rush. His last words before he hung up kept replying in my head. Over and over. Good Girl. He called me a good girl. I smile at that. I pleased him. I never knew praise was my kink until now but being called his good girl was a high in and of itself.

A thought comes to me then. He never showed me a sneak peek of what to expect tomorrow, asshole. It's fine because tomorrow when I win, I’ll get to play my own little game with him.

After a few more minutes of sitting in bed, I figured it was time to get dressed and try to get some sleep. Sliding off the bed I swipe up my pajamas from the floor and head to the bathroom. I give a light knock and when I don’t hear anything I open the door. Having a shared bathroom sucks sometimes but Becca keeps it pretty clean. Her room on the other hand is always a mess with clothes thrown around here and there. I swear the girl changes her outfit at least three times a day.

I head across the way and peek into her room seeing that she is asleep and slowly ease her door shut. Turning I head to the shower, turning the knob to somewhat cold and stepping in. I shiver as the cold-water splatters down on my skin causing goosebumps to race across my body. After I diminish the last of the lust pumping through my body, I turn the water back to warm and go about my washing routine. After I wash my hair, body, and shave for tomorrow, I stand there allowing the heat to soothe the tight nerve muscles that seem to happen when I think about meeting my stalker.

Yes, I’ve been waiting to meet the man face to face, and yes he seems to be obsessed with me, but what will he think when he finally has me in front of him. Will he think I’m too boring or too vanilla for him? I’ve never acted on my depraved thoughts before not after my first boyfriend who freaked out when I asked him to fuck me rougher. A little spank here, a little choking there. What was the big deal?

Now with the idea of my stalker knowing the darker side of my mind and possibly turning me away. No, that would be like a heart break.

When I finally feel somewhat relaxed and thoughts calmed, I turn off the water before grabbing a towel and wrap it around my body. I grab another small towel and wrap this one around my long dark hair. I head back to my side softly closing the door before heading back to my dresser and grabbing a t-shirt and panties to sleep in.

I climb into bed after hanging my towels on the back of the bathroom door and throwing my hair into a messy bun. I can deal with that mess tomorrow. Plus, I doubt I’ll be the one dealing with it. Becca has been waiting to give me a makeover for as long as I’ve known her and since tomorrow, I need to make an obvious statement that she's the girl I need.

I finally lay down in bed and get comfortable, closing my eyes and smiling as my thoughts drift to my mysterious stalker and the many different ways tomorrow can end.

Beep, beep, beep…

Groaning, I reach over and slap at my alarm clock on the nightstand. Why the fuck did I set an alarm for today? I don’t even have classes because it’s a fucking Saturday. I sit straight up as a giggle comes from across the room. My eyes turn to slits as I glare daggers at my so-called best friend as she stands in our shared bathroom doorway, smiling brightly and looking like she just woke up on the good side of the bed. Bitch.

“Did you set my alarm?” I ask still glaring, but when she reaches back and to the side, she pulls out a large cup of coffee. My glare turns to mild annoyance as I make grabby hands reaching for the steaming cup of goodness.

“I did.” She steps forward, still smiling wide. “But I did bring a peace offering.” I roll my eyes as she stops a few feet away giving me an expected look.

“Fine, I forgive you but that better be a-“ I start but am cut off by Becca finishing my sentence for me.

“An extra-large mocha coffee with an extra added shot.” She waves her hand not holding my morning life force in the air as if offended I would think she didn’t know my order. “Yeah yeah. I had them add 2 extra shots since I was going into battle and need you in the best possible mood.”

“Aww. You do love me.” I say as she finally takes the last few steps handing me my precious treasure. I take a deep inhale, allowing the last of my annoyance with being woken up to fade away. I swear if I swung Becca’s way, I would ask the girl to marry me but alas we both enjoy a good dicking.

After I drink about half of my coffee I notice Becca standing awkwardly with her hands behind her back. She is biting her lip like she has something to say but is afraid or nervous to say it. “Spit it out Becca. You’re killing me here.” Her shoulders slump and she looks up with big puppy dog eyes and I have to hold back a laugh trying to escape when I realize what she is about to ask.

“Okay. So I know you’re not super into makeovers and all that but I was hoping I could do your hair and makeup. I promise to do it however you want but pretty please.” She brings her hands out from behind her back and places them in a prayer move adding a pouty lip and all. I decide I can’t hold it back and burst out laughing. Full on holding my stomach and hoping I don’t spill my coffee.

When I finally get my laughter under control, I look up to see Becca frowning. “Oh Becca. I was going to ask for your help anyways. First off, it’s Halloween. Second, we are going to a party at Garrett's house, which means that bitch Sarah will be there. No way in hell is she going to look better than me so of course I need your magic touch.” Her frown turns upside down in the blink of an eye. Her entire body starts to vibrate with excitement and I’m not going to lie, the look in her eye is a bit terrifying.

I knew my best friend was bubbly, outgoing and preppy but Becca is all that but on drugs. I can practically see the gears turning in her head.

“Really? What are the ground rules?” she asks, making me cock a brow in questions.