She heads behind the counter before leaning down and grabbing three boxes. I cock a brow at her in question. She stares at me blankly before rolling her eyes and popping her hip. “Your boyfriend said to pick one.” My eyes widened at that. Boyfriend? She must have the wrong chick. I’m about to tell her so when she speaks again. “Look, I don’t have all day. I was told you would stop by, but you didn’t know he was shopping for you. He told me to have you pick one, but you weren’t allowed to look. So, pick one already?” This time she cocks a brow at me with an attitude and if I was a different Dawn, I would probably fix that sneer on her face. But at last, I’m the sweet, vanilla, boring cheerleader Dawn.
“What was his name?” She shrugs. “What did he look like?” I ask this time, and she simply shrugs again. Whatever. I can only imagine it’s one person. My stalker.
I look down at all three black boxes wrapped with a red bow. I squint my eyes a bit, hoping I can suddenly get X-ray vision, but when nothing happens, I take a deep breath before pointing to the middle one. She hands it over before turning and heading for the back room. Cool. A casual “have a good day” would have been nice. I turn around with the box in hand and head back toward Becca when my phone vibrates again.
I quickly pull out my phone and realize I forgot I got a message as we were heading here.
Him: Choose wisely.
Him: I hope you chose wisely; I expect you to wear it tomorrow. The game will begin at sundown. Happy hunting.
A giddy excitement runs down my spine. It’s been a long time since I’ve been able to be excited about something. I’ve always had to behave and be proper. To speak only when spoken too but not with him. I feel alive with him. Knowing he craves my depraved and dark thoughts like I crave his.
I look around to find Becca when I spot a blood red lingerie set. A naughty thought comes to mind as I grab the set in my size and head back to the counter. If he wants me to be a good girl for him, he has another thing coming. No, I think tomorrow night I will be bad for once.
Chapter 6
DawnfollowsBeccaoutof the store with an extra bag in her hands, along with the box she chose. Before I left the shop, I decided to start the game a bit early. I went over to the rack with sexy costumes and picked three at somewhat random. A tight leather catsuit with cat ears. A sexy French maid with a feather duster. Last and the most ironic is a sexy cheerleader with the added bonus of pompoms. I secretly want her to pick the cheerleading outfit just so I can rip it off of her at the end of the night. I smile to myself at that thought.
Dawn is a god’s dawn goddess and watching her in a short skirt, crop top and high ponytail being thrown in the air with no fear turns me rock hard. Ever had a hard on in the middle of a football game surrounded by a stadium full of people? Yeah, it’s awkward as fuck.
I eye the extra bag in her hands, wondering what else she might have added to my order. Maybe she bought new sex toys. Maybe her thoughts were like mine and needed a little something extra for tomorrow.
I watch the girl's head for the exit. I wait awhile, so I’m not seen outside before I head toward the exit myself and then to my car. Don’t want my Little Sunshine to figure out our game just yet. Pulling out my phone, I track her next movement and notice they’re headed back to the dorms. Perfect.
I head back that way as well. I stop by the student union to grab some food before heading back to my room. I think tonight I’m going to give my little Dawn a taste of what tomorrow will bring.
Once I’m in my private room, one of the lucky ones, but I paid extra to ensure I would have my own. You can never know who you can trust or who can be bought with a little cash. I head to my computer desk tucked against my far wall and bring up the cameras I have stationed in her room.
I have two places where I can see her. One in her bedroom angled towards her bed so I can watch her while she sleeps. The other is in her bathroom, it’s an anti-steam model but watching her suds up, water droplets sliding down the valley of her breast. I groan at just the image of possibly catching her stepping out of the shower, but when I boot up my monitors, it’s all black. Confused, I do a systems check, but when it comes back clear and not reporting any issues, my confusion turns to worry. Why can’t I see her?
I pulled out my phone and double check that she made it back to her room. The GPS dot is where it’s supposed to be, in her room. But that doesn’t mean that’s where she is.
Not liking not knowing where my Sunshine is, I message her.
Me: Where are you?
I hit send but then frown at my message. What if she left her phone in her room but she isn’t there? I decide I better go over there and just check for myself, but before I can march over there; I see three little dots pop up and disappear at the bottom of my screen. So, she is in her room. After a long agonizing minute, a text from her lights up my screen.
My Sunshine: Can you not see me? *Winky face emoji*
Me: Do not test me, Dawn.
My Sunshine: I wouldn’t dare. * Kissy face emoji*
Annoyance roars to life in me. The urge to go to her, grab her by her hair, flip her around, bend her over my knee and turn the perky little ass of hers red is undeniable. But I have a plan and I need to stick to it.
Me: So, you’ve decided to start our game early.
I ask but then it occurs to me that she knew where the cameras were.
Me: How did you know the cameras were right there?
My Sunshine: Maybe you weren’t as creative as you thought.
My Sunshine: you gave away that you were watching me. If you were as dedicated as you sounded, you would have wanted to watch me in my domain. There are only so many places to hide something.