I smirk down at my phone screen, intrigued by his offer. Becca shoulder bumps me as we step up to the counter to order. “What can I get started for you today?” A cute guy with chocolate brown hair and forest green eyes asks. He smiles over at us, showing off his pearly whites as I continue to take him in. His name tag on his wide chest says Adam. He has masculine features but like in a drool worthy Captain America pretty kinda way. He even has a dimple on his right side.
My mind wanders back to my stalker. I wonder what color his hair is. Or his eyes. Would he have a deep, growly voice? Would his muscles flex as he lifted me off the ground to pin me against the wall and-
A throat clearing catches my attention and I snap my eyes back up to meet Adam's deep green ones as he smirks back at me. “Huh?”
“My friend here would like your largest size white mocha with an extra shot of espresso, please.” Becca says in a sugary sweet voice as she throws her thumb up and over at me. “I, on the other hand, would like a small pumpkin spice latte with soy milk please.” She smiles widely at the pretty boy before adding the icing on the cake. “Oh, and I wouldn’t bother with my friend. She is going through a breakup and probably wouldn’t call you back right now.” I glare at my new ex-best friend. I can feel my neck heat with a tinge of embarrassment, but I shake that off. She is right about one thing; I wouldn’t call him back, but not because I’m going through a breakup. No, I just have someone more important in mind.
We pay before heading over to the little waiting area as I pull out my phone again. I tune out Becca’s ramblings about tomorrow night’s festivities and what she needs to do to get ready while I reply.
Me: What happens if I can’t find you by midnight?
Him: It will be my turn to catch you.
Me: What do I get if I find you in time?
Him: Whatever your little heart desires.
I read over his words, my body heating in expectations of what I want him to do to me. All my desires for this man to use me, to destroy me so thoroughly that he would be imprinted on my body and soul. My core tightens, craving my mystery man’s touch. I am a sick person who wants someone I don’t know to do such depraved things to me.
Me: And what do you get if I lose and you catch me?
This is the real question. Do I want to know who my stalker is? Yes, without a doubt. Would it be more fun to tease and see how far I can push his buttons? Hell yeah.
Him: Whatever My dark heart desires. *Devil face emoji*
“Who are you talking to?” I jump a little as I feel Becca lean into my side, trying to peer over my shoulder at my phone. I turn my screen black, shifting so that I’m facing her while shoving my phone back in my jean pockets.
“What? No one. I was looking up the best ways and excuses to get out of a Halloween party that your bestie is dragging you too.” I bat my lashes at her as she just rolls her eyes back at me.
“I am such a terrible friend, making you socialize and possibly getting you laid.” I snort at her over dramatic response.
Before I can rebut how I will not be getting laid tomorrow; well unless it’s by someone in particular. “Order for Becca!” is yelled out and we move to grab our nice hot coffees. “We have a large white mocha with an extra shot and a small pumpkin latte with soy.” The girl recites, handling over my precious drink. I grab my drink and quickly sip the amazing liquid, burning my tongue in the process but not caring about the pain one bit.
“You’re not a savage Dawn.” Becca laughs out, blowing on hers all dainty like before taking her own small sip and sighing.
“Well, at least I’m not a basic bitch.” I grin wide as she narrows her eyes before shrugging in acceptance. We turn, walking away from the coffee shop and I’m just about to recommend we eat or head back home when Becca beats me to speaking.
“Don’t you dare even try to get out of going to that costume shop.” She looks over her shoulder slightly, lifting a brow, challenging me to try and say that’s not what I was about to say, but know it totally was.
“First off.” I hold up a finger. “That is not a costume shop, that is a sex shop that happens to be in the Halloween spirit.” She simply shrugs a shoulder before turning back around and heading in that direction again. I drop my hand to my side, taking another sip of my coffee. My phone vibrates in my back pocket again, bringing my thoughts back to the conversation I was just having with my stalker. An idea comes to mind. “And second, I was going to say, I thought of a costume idea.”
“Really?” she questions sounding a bit surprised.
“Yes. I’ve embraced this crazy idea of yours to socialize with our so-called peers. You’re right, I need to live a little and have some fun.” I say, trying to sound sincere but probably failing. Becca eyes me for a long minute before giving me a wide smile, showing all her pearly whites.
“Perfect.” She loops her arms through mine as we enter the shop, practically bouncing on her toes with excitement. Bright colors in oranges, pinks, purples, and neon greens assault my eyes as I try to take in everything. I see a section dedicated to all black outfits. One wall’s completely covered in sex toys, some looking a little dangerous to use. The back wall is covered from floor to ceiling with masks. Some were scary, others just plain creepy and a few dainty sexy ones. Becca guides me to the far right, where racks of what look like strips of fabric lay. On second look, I think this is what they call Halloween costumes now-a-days.
“Nope. Why can’t I have something that actually covers my body like yours?” I look over towards Becca as she shifts through the scraps while humming under her breath to the song playing overhead. Something about being a bad bitch.
“Dawn.” She looks over at me and bursts out laughing. “Oh god. Why do you look so afraid right now?” I return her laugh with a glare. Not finding this funny. I mean, how am I not supposed to freeze to death wearing what is existentially a thong and nipple pasties.
I finger the closest item to me, holding it out to prove the point I’m about to make. “I want to look sexy not like a stripper or worse, a hooker. Plus, if I wore something like this, everyone would see everything I don’t have to offer.” I drop the fabric and look around the shop when I spot a more suitable rack of outfits. I leave Becca behind as I make my way towards the rack, spotting a small blonde woman with big blue eyes and heavy makeup pop out from nowhere.
“Hi. Is your name Dawn?” I look at her warily. She doesn’t look familiar but sometimes I don’t pay attention to faces. Bad habit, I know. Mama is always reminding me to be mindful of my surroundings at all times. I take a step back, eyeing the woman until I see a name tag. Brandy.
“Do I know you?” I ask. Looking around this time as my mind pieces the picture together.
“Oh, no, but I have something for you. Come with me.” She turns on her heel, hair whipping out, almost whacking me in the face. Bitch. Now that I think about it, she seems annoyed with me. But why? Glancing back at my bestie, I see she is still shifting through racks of lace, so I follow the blonde to the back of the store.