Page 2 of Darkest Dawn

Me: Promises, Promises

Is my only response before I pocket my phone and head out into the shared living space I share with three others. Becca is on the couch, mindlessly scrolling through her phone, probably on social media. Jamie is in the small kitchenette making a coffee and Amber’s door is closed, so she is either in there or out somewhere else.

“Ready?” I ask, making my way to the hallway closet. I grab a pair of white tennis shoes before I plop down next to Becca to put said shoes on. She looks over at me before biting her lip nervously. I pretend to not notice for a minute, knowing that if I wait her out, she won’t be able to help herself and blurt out whatever she wants to say on her own.

I just finished tying my shoes when Becca all but screams at me. “Sarah is telling everyone that you were a shitty lay and that she and Garrett have been sleeping together for months. That he only, quote unquote, “dated you because he pitied you.” She stares at my wide eyes before slapping a hand over her mouth in horror.

I’m stunned for half a second before I start giggling at the purely horrified look on Becca’s face. Becca is such a sweetheart and my best friend since the day I stepped foot on this campus. She is totally the ride or die type because she was more mad about what happened to me than I was. She is also anti-Sarah and Garrett. Sadly, she also sees what everyone else sees. The cheated-on cheerleader who was deemed the goody good girl because she does her homework and doesn’t party like every other person on this campus. So, what, I’m in college, but it doesn’t mean I want or need to party.

But it’s supposed to be the time of your life…blah blah blah. Make memories…blah blah blah.

I enjoy staying home cuddling up in my blankets and reading a good book, or binge-watching crime shows. What’s the point of going to parties when all you do is drink, dance with random dudes rubbing their hard-ons on you. If you’re lucky take a decent one home and not have to do a full walk of shame. Yeah, no thanks.

“Why are you giggling? This isn’t funny, Dawn. Sarah is spreading horrible rumors about you. Why aren’t you mad?” Becca’s cheeks are turning red now as I try to smother my laughter. She is so angry on my behalf and I couldn’t ask for a better best friend.

“Becca. They are just rumors. Just words. They won’t hurt me. I have thicker skin than that. Sarah is just mad that she isn’t getting the raise out of me she wants.” I look her in the eyes, trying to show her I’m serious about this not affecting me. She stares at me back, trying to find some type of lie but she won’t. I’ve learned to keep my emotions locked up tight. I’m basically Fort fucking Knox with my true feelings and thoughts.

After a long moment, she must see what she was looking for because she nods to herself before standing and pulling me up with her. “Okay, let’s go. I’m starving. Plus, we need to go shopping for the Halloween party tomorrow.” She smiles back at me when I halt in my tracks. I sent her a narrowed eye glare. Her smile turns brighter before she tugs on my arm and pulls me out the door. “We can talk on the way to food.”

“There is nothing to talk about. I’m not going!” I snap back, knowing this is about to be a long day when all Becca does is giggle back.

Ugh. I hate Halloween.

Chapter 3


“Dawn.Please.Itwillbe so much fun. We can dress up and just have a good girl’s night. You need this as much as me.” I take another bite of my cheeseburger before glancing in Becca’s direction. The girl has an honest to god puppy dog look on her face, pouty lip, and all. I roll my eyes and stuff another fry into my mouth.

I chew for a long minute before swallowing and turning to face my best friend. “Becca, can’t you go with Amber and Jamie? You usually go with them. Why do you want me to go so bad?” I shove another fry in my mouth, cocking a brow in her direction when she stays quiet.

“Because.” Is her only reply before she looks down at her own plate.

I look around the student union, feeling that constant feeling of being watched. The hair on the back of my neck standing on edge. No one ever stands out, though.

My eyes shift from table to table, hoping that my stalker might make a mistake but knowing he won’t. He’s good because I’ve had that creepy, crawling feeling of being watched for a few months now, but still can’t figure out who the hell he is. When he reached out a few weeks ago, after the Garrett debacle I thought he was done playing games but it seems he was just getting started.

The entire room gives off high school vibes. Cliques are divided by tables. You have the theatrical arts table, music degrees and band table, nerdy table filled with the ones who study 24/7 like me, and then you have the jocks and cheerleaders. My old table that I left because of that bitch Sarah and twatwaffle Garrett. But that was for the best. I never really fit in with them. I only joined cheer because of Becca anyway.

There are plenty more odd groups sprinkled in between, but my eyes catch on a pair of dull grays across the room. The body and the eyes are attached to a nod in my direction before looking back down to his phone. Ciaran Adonis. Ha. Of course, having the last name Adonis meant he had to look the part too. We are both taking business classes and were partnered earlier this year in a joint project. He is an entitled asshole but always smelt so damn good.

Unfortunately, my mother said I needed to stay as far from him as possible. His family and mine don’t get along, but no one will tell me why. I know his father is an organized criminal; and I’m assuming he is taking business classes to follow in daddy’s footsteps, much like I’m doing with my dad. Not that anyone could tell by the looks of me.

For half a second, the thought of him being my stalker comes to mind, but then I laugh that thought off. That man probably beats off his own stalkers. He is every girl’s wet dream. At 6’2, he towers over me by over a foot. He has sun kissed skin covered in colorful artwork running up and over his muscular arms and chest. I only know this because I’ve caught him shirtless on my morning runs. His hair is short on the sides and a tad longer on top, but it works for him. He could ‌be a model for GQ or something.

I’m pulled from my wayward thoughts when Becca snaps her finger in front of my face, startling me. “Earth to Dawn. What are you staring at?”

“What? Nothing. Sorry, I must have zoned out.” I shake my head to clear the last of the weird daze and focus back on my food.

We sit in silence for a few minutes, just eating when I decide I can’t take it any longer. “Becca, I’m not up for a party, but how about we still go shopping? I can help find the perfect costume to catch Matt’s attention.” I say, watching as a pink flush climbs up her already blushed stained cheeks. She won’t admit it, but she has it bad for the defensemen. Sucks he is best friends with my no-good ex, but he seems like a decent enough guy. I’ll just have to give him the “hurt my best friend and I’ll castrate you” spiel. You know, the normal secretly crazy best friend stuff.

She gives me a huge smile and nods. “Yeah, I would like that. I have a few ideas, but still can’t decide.” She turns back to her plate and finishes eating quickly, now excited to shop.

Ugh, I hate shopping too.

We decided to check out the mall first and see if we can figure out a sexy outfit, then just buy accessories to go with it. We are in our second store when Becca can’t hold her tongue any longer. I honestly didn’t think she could hold it this long. I think it’s a record. “Dawn.” She calls out, stopping next to a pretty white dress that she has been looking at since we walked in. “I normally wouldn’t do this, and I’ve thought long and hard about my decision.” She takes a deep breath, looking down at her shoes before continuing. “I hate having to do this because it doesn’t feel right, but it’s for your own good.” I stare at her as she just stands there wringing her hands in her shirt. She’s rambling and it’s so cute, but the anticipation is killing me.

“Becca. Spit it out already.” I snap, wincing as she snaps her eyes back up to me from the floor she was just so focused on. I never raise my voice unless for cheer and I caught her off guard. “Sorry. You’re just worrying me. What are you trying to say?” I lower my tone and place a small smile on my face, hoping her own nerves will calm.