"We couldn't just stand aside and do nothing."

"You could've done somethingwithoutmaking it seem like we were going out."

But Landon only shrugged. "I don't mind people thinking you're my girl."

Oh Lord, please, please do save me from this jerk!

Charlotte never knew whether to feel good or bad every time Landonseemedto flirt with her like this. She knew he only did so with her, but...what good would flirting do if it never went anywhere?

Landon looked at her questioningly. "Do you mind, though?"

Charlotte was still trying to think of the best way to answer him when something caught her eye. There was a half-open travel brochure on the coffee table, and it had Mt. Fuji on the cover. "Who's going to Japan?" She was already bending down as she spoke, and something fell off as she reached for it.

Her eyes widened when she realized what it was, and she could only stare as Landon retrieved his plane ticket and placed it back on the coffee table.

"You're going to Japan?"

"This summer."

"Why have you never told me about it?" Charlotte asked. "I wanna go, too—-"

"It's not that kind of trip."

"I don't care. Youknowit's always been my dream to—-"

"I'm going there for training."

Charlotte was confused. "Training? Are you thinking of working there after college?"

Landon appeared reluctant to speak, and Charlotte started feeling apprehensive. "Land?"

"I signed up for a summer crash course on judo and kendo."


Her excitement over a prospective trip to Japan fizzled out in an instant, and Charlotte slowly sat down.

A moment later, she felt the couch dip as Landon occupied the space next to her. "Charles?"

"Stop calling me that," she said absently. "How many times do I have to tell you that my name isCharlotte,not Charles?"

"And how many times must I tell you in return—-" Landon's tone was mocking. "I'll only call you Charlotte when we're in bed."

Her heart skipped a beat even as she automatically sucker-punched him in the guts.

"Damn, Charles. That hurt." Landon raised his shirt to check his washboard abs for bruises, and Charlotte temporarily forgot her worries as she struggled not to stare. Oh...wow.

"Have you been training with Manny Pacquiao or something?"

Charlotte finally managed to drag her gaze off Landon's rock-hard muscles and cleared her throat. "Manny who?"

Landon grunted. "Never mind. I should've known you'd be naturally gifted in pugilism as well."

Charlotte frowned. Was that a compliment or not?

"It's just too bad the only thing you're hopeless at is being cute and girly—-"

Since that was definitely not a compliment, Charlotte quickly rolled up the brochure in her hand and used it to swat the back of his head.Hard.