Sano blanched.

"You and Sano will have just one day.Those were Cass' words, Sano," Charlotte said brokenly. "Her exact words, and I thought...I thought it would be best if you didn't have to know—-"

Sano abruptly pulled away, and Charlotte's arms fell limply against her sides.

"Was that all she had to say?"

She shook her head, and Sano immediately took his phone out. "Let's call—-"

"I can't!"


"You don't understand, okay?" Charlotte tried to stay calm, but just thinking about having to hear the rest of Cass' vision had her whole body shaking.

"We need to know—-"


Sano stared at her, stunned. "You're scared."

The words literally made her laugh and cry. That was an understatement if she ever heard one, and it almost had her hysterical. "I'm not just scared, Sano. I'mterrified—-"

"Of what, Charles? Tell me so I can help—-"

"You can't—-"

"Tell me," he grated out, "and let me be the judge of that."

She wished she could make him understand that there was no point, but the expression on Sano's face was all too familiar, and she knew he would never let this go until he had everything out in the open.

"I know this will sound ridiculous, but before all of this happened, I asked...I asked God...I asked God if I could have you for just one day, and that's why, that's why when Cass told me—-" Her voice cracked, and if Sano hadn't caught her in time, Charlotte would have crumpled weakly to the floor.

"I couldn't bear it, Sano." Tears clogged her throat, and every word she had to utter felt like a stab to her heart. "I knew...I hoped and prayed that God couldn't be cruel, but I was still terrified that if I listened to what else Cass had to say, I'd end up knowing—-"

Oh God, oh God—-

She squeezed her eyes shut, but the tears still fell uncontrollably as she whispered, "I just didn't want to knowhowyou'd die again. I barely survived the first time, and if I had to go through it again—-"

"You won't."

The strength in his voice made her want to weep.

"Trust me, Charles. I know I don't have any right to ask you this, but even if this is the last thing I have to ask of you—-" Sano placed his phone in her hands. "Trust me, Charles. Call her."

And so she did.

She trusted him, and she always would, and that was why, even when her tears fell faster and faster as he drew her to sit on the bed next to him—-

Even when every second that she had to wait made her want to die, and the sound of every ring of Cass' phone ripped her apart again and again—-

"I'm so glad you called, Charlotte."

She could barely hear the other woman's words with how loud and hard her heart was beating, and it was only having Sano hold her free hand tightly in his that kept her from completely breaking down.

"I'm s-sorry I hung up—-"

"It wasn't the first time that's happened to me," the princess said gently.