Charlotte had to repress a shudder at the thought.Yuck, yuck, yuck.She had nothing against Lukas, and she was certain that most women would find it flattering to have their names linked to the billionaire's. But the thing was, she wasnotlike most women. Land was the only man for her, and she would never want anyone—-oh!

She finally noticed Lukas studying her from across the table, and Charlotte nearly squirmed. The way he was looking at her could in no way be described as friendly, but the billionaire's gaze only gleamed when she frowned at him in silent disapproval.

"Are you not used to being looked at admiringly?"

Charlotte rolled her eyes. "Oh, please." She was not unattractive, but they both knew she had never been the kind that turned heads like Cha-Cha or Addie had always done.

"I have always found you beautiful, Charlotte."

Charlotte made a face. "Quit it, Lukas."

"Why should I? Addie told me you haven't dated since—-"

Charlotte quickly cut him off, saying, "It's true." She knew it was childish of her, but she truly hated hearing anyone describe Landon with the D-word, and she doubted her feelings on this would ever change.

A waiter came at that moment to take their orders, and Charlotte was relieved to have the chance to change the subject afterwards. "So..." She pinned a professional smile on her lips as she looked at Heart's Match newest client. "The way I usually start these things—-"

Lukas' humorless smile made her stop speaking.

"My case is likely different from your usual ones."

"In what way?"

Instead of answering, Lukas ordered a bottle of wine, and Charlotte politely declined when he offered to pour her a glass. She expected him to take only a sip or two, but when Lukas downed everything in one gulp, it was only then Charlotte realized that something might be truly wrong.

"The contract I had you sign before this includes a confidentiality cause," she reminded him gently. "So whatever you have to say—-"

"I'm infertile."

The abrupt admission left Charlotte speechless. She knew this wasn't logical of her, but it seemed almost impossible that someone as seemingly...virile as Lukas Tsaldaris could bethat.

"Is there any possibility of a misdiagnosis?" she asked finally.


Charlotte looked at him helplessly. "I'm sorry, Lukas."

"It is what it is," was all Lukas said, and although Charlotte felt bad for him, she knew it was best to simply keep silent.

For a man like Lukas, sympathy would be no different from pity, and Charlotte was privately relieved when their waiter came back with their appetizers. They spoke mostly of trivial things after that, and it was only as they were having coffee with their dessert that the billionaire finally returned to their conversation from earlier.

"Now that you're aware of my situation, I'm sure you'd understand why I require a certain kind of woman to be my wife."

Charlotte could only nod, with her mind already busy going through the list of prospective candidates she had in her agency's database. Women who were past childbearing age were obviously one option, but she had a feeling such women would be too proud to knock repeatedly on Lukas' heart until it finally started cracking open.

From what she could remember about Lukas, she had a feeling the Greek billionaire was suitable for someone younger. Someone who still had stars in her eyes in spite of having life knock her down—-

"What ifyouwere placed in such a position, Charlotte?"

The sudden question made her blink. "What position?"

“What if the man you wish to marry is incapable of giving you a child?”

"That would never happen," Charlotte answered without hesitation.

Lukas' brows shot up. "Are you saying you'd have a man take a fertility test before you consider dating—-"

Charlotte rolled her eyes. "Of course not. What I meant was that I don't want to have a child with any other man but Land. I never will. That's why I know it's never going to happen—-"