Sano's lips tightened. "If you have anything you're afraid of, then let me—-"

"It's you," Charlotte muttered. "My greatest fear is losing you again—-"

"Fuck, Charles."

Sano yanked her back into his arms.

"You'll never lose me again," he growled against her hair. "I was a selfish bastard in my old life—-"

Charlotte started to protest, but Sano hushed her.

"We both know it's true, even if you won't admit it. I knew how much it killed you to let me go every time, but you never tried to stop me, and that's why..." Sano's arms finally loosened, but it was only so he could step back and cup her face. "This new life will be all for you, Charles."

The words were something she had secretly wanted to hear her entire life. Every time she had to watch Land leave for a job, there had always been the smallest and most selfish part of her that was hurt and resentful, a part that had wanted to ask why -why wasn't she enough for her husband to stay?

He was finally saying it now, and while she badly wanted to believe that this was truly their second chance for a happy-ever-after ending—-

"Just let me do this—-"

Sano was visibly reluctant.

"So we can be sure we've covered all bases?" He was the one who had taught her the importance of that, and the way Sano's lips twisted told her he knew his own words were being used against him.

"Go back to your friends this time," Charlotte urged. "I doubt this will take long. I'll head back as soon as—-"

Sano's head bent down to bite her lower lip, and Charlotte literally swayed on her feet when he pulled away.

"You look a lot less anxious now," Sano observed with unconcealed satisfaction, and Charlotte was torn between wanting to kick him and asking formore.

"But you could maybe do with another—-"

She went back into the powder room and slammed the door shut in his face.Jerk!But already she was lifting one hand up—-

"Are you about to touch your lips, Charles?" a sly voice asked from the other side of the door, and just like that the mood was completely ruined, and Charlotte kicked the door as hard as she could.Jerk, jerk, jerk!

She could hear Sano laughing as he walked away, and the sound had her teeth gnashing against each other. If she still harbored any doubts of Sano being Land, this unique ability of his to rile her temper was all she needed to know with absolute certainty that her husband was truly back...and he was the exact same jerk he used to be.

Charlotte reached for the phone she had left on the vanity table.Time to be serious,she reminded herself. Cass's visions often came in the form of omens, but they were also often a chance for a person to change the future.

She pulled up Sano's call history on his iPhone and pressed theCallbutton on the most recent number on the list.

"Charlotte, hello." The princess' voice was comfortingly familiar.

"Hello, Cass. I'm sorry it took me some time to call back."

"It's always nice to hear from you again, but I do wish it wasn't under these circumstances. I never thought you'd ever show up in any of my visions."

"I'm the opposite." Charlotte's tone was rueful. "The first few months after Land...went away, I used to hope and pray that you'd have a vision for me."

"Better late than never as they say," Cass said softly, "but I'm not sure how you'll take this."

"Is it that bad?"

There was a long moment of silence, and as soon as Cass spoke her first eight words—-

Charlotte hung up.

And then she threw up.