"I still am," Charlotte said simply, "and I always will be."

"We'll see. Lukas has only gotten way, way hotter over the years, you know."

Charlotte noticed Jared frowning at the way Addison described the other man.Hm.There seemed to be something there—-

Chapter Six


Hearing Sano's voice yanked Charlotte out of her memories, and when she looked around, she realized that Sano had taken her into what seemed like the lounge's powder room. Was this where they were supposed to talk in private then? And was this really going to be about Lukas?

Charlotte cleared her throat. "About Luk—-"


Sano had dropped his phone into her hands without warning, and she stared down at it blankly. Someone was calling him, and Charlotte almost had a heart attack upon seeing the name that showed up on his screen.


There was only one woman named Cass that she could think of, and all thoughts of Lukas and company fled her mind as anxiety started pooling in her stomach.

"Julian texted me last night," Sano said under his breath. "I've never met or spoken to him as Sano, but Cass got him to call me because of her vision."

Charlotte's unease mounted. Before marrying Prince Julian of Ethereal, Cass used to be an island girl who read fortunes asMademoiselle C,and her visions of the future always came true.


The princess' ability to see the future was a closely-guarded secret, and the only reason Charlotte knew about it was because her husband had been assigned to tail the couple during their first visit in America. His then-superior had wanted Land to spy on the two, but instead Land, and later on Charlotte, ended up becoming fast friends with the royal couple.

"They know who I am. Who Iwas. But more importantly..."

The grim set of Sano's jaw made Charlotte antsy.

"They called last night because they wanted me to know Cass had a vision about you."

That was exactly what Charlotte was afraid of, and fear skittered down her spine when the phone in her hand started vibrating again. It was the princess, calling her for the second time, and she couldn't shake off the feeling that whatever Cass had to say wasn't anything good.