But still...

I wish you were here, Land.

Twenty years ago, they had made a pact about traveling to Japan only when they were in their thirties, and this trip was all about making that dream come true for the both of them. Land might not be with her now, but...who knew, right?

A few weeks ago, she had struck a bargain with God, and she liked to think that He had heard her out. In return for doing all she could to help her sister-in-law find her Mr. Right, Charlotte had asked the Big Guy in heaven if He could lend her back her own Mr. Right, even if just for a day.

Obviously, her request was anything but realistic, but Charlotte didn't care.

I just miss him so much, God.

So, so much.

So please.



Please let me see him, even just in my dreams.


IT WAS ONLY SEVEN INthe morning by the time Charlotte checked out of her hotel, and after confirming the details for luggage transfer, she was once again free to savor the sights that she and Landon only used to dream of.

Although it was still the first week of March, andsakuraor cherry blossoms had yet to bloom, most of the establishments lining up the streets of Shinjuku already had their spring campaigns in full swing. Starbucks had sakura-flavored drinks, Mister Donut had sakura-shaped doughnuts, and she remembered seeing at the airport's 7-11 last night that even her favorite chocolate snackPockyhad released a limited-time flavor in celebration of spring.

All of this had her mouth watering, but Charlotte wanted to walk off some excess carbs first. Last night had been her first time to order ramen from a vendo, and the experience had her so giddy like a kid, she had ended up ordering a lot of extras just so she could keep pushing those buttons. Extra bowl of noodles. Extra meat. Extra egg. Extra everything, actually, and that was why she still felt full even now.

Since Google Maps told her she had ample time to spare to get to the station, Charlotte paused every so often to take photos, all the while talking to her husband in her mind.Did you see that? Check this out, Land. Isn't it cool?

A smile broke over her lips when Godzilla's head popped out from one of Shinjuku's many tall buildings.Oh my goodness, Land! Will you look at that?

Her husband was such a huge Godzilla fan he had watched all of the movies in the franchise, including the ones released mainly for the local market.

Maybe I should check in for a night there,Charlotte mused to her husband.What do you think?

The thought had Charlotte happily occupied as she turned away and finally set out for the train station. The receptionist had asked earlier if she wanted one of the hotel's service cars to take her to Ueno, but Charlotte had declined the offer with a smile. If Land was here, he would undoubtedly take the train, and so that was what she wanted to do, too. Or rather, she hadhopedit was something she could do...until she realized this was easier said than done.

Shinjuku's train station turned out to be much bigger and busier than she expected, and when she remained as lost as a headless chicken after fifteen minutes, Charlotte knew it was time to wave the white flag.

She typically hated having to ask for help, but she also didn't want to risk arriving late for her meeting. While this trip was mainly for her and Land, Charlotte did have some work to do, and from what she knew of Japanese culture, punctuality meant a great deal to locals.

Charlotte turned around, thinking she could look for someone who spoke English, but the moment she took a step forward, she immediately bumped into a chest hard enough to make her nose twinge in pain.


She lifted her head to see who she had bumped into, and her gaze immediately collided with a pair of startlingly blue eyes. "Sorry," she apologized right away, and she would've left it at that if the stranger hadn't ended up speaking at the same time.

"Daijobu desu ka?"

The man's Japanese was astonishingly flawless, and Charlotte momentarily forgot she had a train to catch. "You're Japanese?"

The stranger's lips twitched, and Charlotte absently observed how the man's mouth seemed designed to tempt a woman to sin. It reminded her a lot of her husband, actually, since she had always thought Landon to possess the world's most kissable lips.

"I am, yes." The stranger switched to English this time, which he also spoke with impressive fluency. "My father's Japanese, my mother American."

"That's nice," Charlotte said sincerely. It had always been her dream and Land's to be reincarnated as Japanese, and she liked to think that would happen in their next—-huh?