There was a long pause, and then Sano was whispering straight into her ear, "You remember my rule for that, don't you?"

Chapter Two

CHARLOTTE WONDEREDif she had finally lost her mind. She had attended innumerable counseling sessions in the past decade, and she had seen firsthand how treacherous grief could be.

It made you dream and yearn to the point of self-deception, made you think you were still okay because it was only chipping away at your sanity bit by subtle bit. It was like an addictive drug, with the way grief made you miss someone so bad you just wanted to indulge.

Just this once,you'd tell yourself.

Just this once, you'd like to pretend the illusion was real, and the person you love was still there.

Just one more, you'd tell yourself after.

Just one more illusion.

But because it wasn't enough, you'd want just one last more.

Just one last illusion to fill the void and help you get by.Just one last, please.But it never would be the last, and by the time people around you realized what was happening, it was already too late, and you've completely lost your grip on reality.

"I know you heard me, Charles."

Charlotte started taking big gulps of air. She could've convinced herself she had misheard him the first time, but not now when he had called her that again. Not when he had spoken about therulefor calling her Charlotte, which was something only Land should've known about.

So what now?

Should she find a way to prove this man was a liar or did she continue with the insanity?

Her mind was a mess, but her heart appeared to have made its choice because she soon heard herself say, "Tell me something that only Land would know."


She felt Sano's head lower again, and just as Charlotte thought she was about to die of dread and anticipation, Sano then whispered once again straight into her ear—-

"I had your virginity on your eighteenth birthday."

Oh. My. God.