“Why not?”
“Because it doesn’t matter to me, either.”
I feel so little in my dad’s embrace, just like all the times he’d hugged me in the past. From scraped knees to heartbreak, to grief and absolute devastation.
The only solace I’d ever found was right here… in his arms.
Until Jace.
Dad clears the emotion from his throat, looking away to wipe his eyes. “I take it you’re not going to school today?”
“Yeah, I wouldn’t either,” he mumbles, then runs a finger over the pendant hanging from my neck. “What’s this?”
I grasp the ruby-red number five. “Jace gave it to me.”
Even behind his beard, I can see a slight smile there. “It’s Harley’s number.”
“Not his?”
I shake my head.
“He’s a good man, Harlow.”
“I know.”
“And I’m glad you have him.”
Me too, I don’t say out loud, but God do I feel it. There’s no way I could’ve survived last night had Jace not been there for me.
“Listen, I’ve canceled my next job,” he says, “so I’ll be home the next few days if you want to talk or…”
“Honestly, I’m so tired right now. I think I just need to go lie down.”
Dad nods, but I can see the uncertainty in his stare.
I start to leave the kitchen, but stop at the doorway. “Hey, Dad?”
“Do you ever think about how Harley would feel—if he saw us now?”
Dad’s eyes drift shut. “That one thought has kept me up all night.”
“Me too,” I whisper, pausing a beat before exiting.
I make it to the first step on the stairs before Dad calls out, “Harlow?”
I freeze, turn to him.
“Are you okay?”
I force a smile. “Yeah.”
He’s silent a beat. Then, “Areweokay?”