Jonah jumps to his feet. “Hell yes!”
I stand too, while Harlow looks between all of us. “What’s going on?”
I knew where everyone planned on going the moment Sammy mentioned swimsuits and towels. I’d heard other kids at school talk about it, and I’d been once on my own. The natural spring is hidden away from the main highway, halfway between the school and home, and while I understand the appeal for others, it wasn’t all that enjoyable for me. I can’t really see how wading through water isfun.
Maybe it’s like the movie last night.
Maybe I just need a little extra push, and the right environment, and who knows?
Or… maybe I just need Harlow.
Since Jonah and her friends had to make stops on the way, Harlow and I make it to the parking lot first and wait for them.
“Where are we?” Harlow asks, looking out the window.
“You’ll see.”
It doesn’t take long for the rest of them to arrive. The girls first, and then Jonah only five minutes later. I let the girls change in the back of the van, and Jonah presses his ear to the metal in an attempt to hear what they’re saying. When I eye him suspiciously, he shrugs, says, “There are three hot girls naked in your van right now, and you’re not even the slightest bit curious?”
The girls giggle, then Sammy shouts, “We can hear you, dumbass!”
They hop out, towels wrapped around them, and we take the path toward the spring—Jonah, with bags full of whatever food he bought, walks with the girls, and Harlow a few steps behind with me. The only conversation is the back-and-forth banter between Sammy and Jonah. It’s obvious they hate each other, though I don’t know why.
“Did those two date or something?” Harlow asks me.
I shrug. “I don’t think so.”
Sammy turns to us. “Gross and no! But me and Jace did.”
I falter a step. “No, we didn’t.”
“You did?” Harlow asks, turning to me.
I shake my head, my brow furrowed. Should I be vetting the kinds of people Harlow is friends with? Because Sammy might just be delusional. “No,” I deadpan.
“You don’t remember freshman year?” Sammy asks, walking backward so she’s facing us. “I went up to you, asked if you wanted to be my boyfriend, and you shrugged.”
Beside me, Harlow giggles.
Sammy continues. “And I said, ‘I’ll take that as a yes’ and you shrugged again. Then I gave you my number. I’m still waiting on that phone call, Sunshine.”
“Technically,” Jeannie says, “you’re still dating, since you never actually broke up.”
“Oh, shit,” Sammy laughs. “Jace, you two-timing little whore!”
“I don’t remember this,” I tell Harlow, and only Harlow, because she’s the only one who matters.
She simply smiles, shaking her head, while Sammy amps up the dramatics. “And with my best friend, of all people! How dare you!”
The girls run straight for the water’s edge when the spring comes into view, and a second later, towels are off and in they go. There wasn’t even enough time to see Harlow in her swimsuit, which sucks, consideringI spent most of the walk here imagining what was beneath the towel.
Jonah lifts the bags in his hands. “Hungry?”
Since we didn’t even get through lunch before deciding to skip out, I nod. “Starvin’.”