Page 118 of Dark and Dangerous

I can feel it in the breaking of my heart.

Soon enough, lights flick on in the house, and I beg, pray that his bedroom isn’t one of them. With bated breath, I stare at his bedroom window, waiting, hoping it remains as dark in there as it feels in my soul, but… it’s only seconds later that the room illuminates, and I choke on a breath as two figures appear, stopping right in front of the window.

I plead with myself to look away, to close my eyes… but I can’t.

Not even when he reaches up, moves her hair behind her ear.

Not even when she flattens her palms on his chest, tilting her head up.

Not even when he lowers his mouth to hers, kisses her the way he used to kiss me.

Tears fill my eyes faster than I’m ready for them, and I finally look away when she helps him remove his shirt. I try to inhale through the pain, exhale through the heartache, but it’s hard. So damn hard. My chest caves in as I choke on a sob, and without thinking, I reach for my phone, pull up a number I haven’t contacted in months, then hit call.

He answers on the second ring. “Harlow?”

“Are you home?” I cry.

He’s quiet a beat. “Yeah, I am.”

Five hours later, I knock on a familiar door. And only seconds after that, I’m enveloped in familiar arms. I cry into his chest, grateful that I at least have him. He always made me feel safe, even when my world was spiraling. “I’m glad you called, Harlow.”



My phone vibrates in my pocket, and I pull it out, check it under the table.


If I were at Knox Heights, I’d have no problem leaving the room to answer it, but I’m in the middle of my college class, and since that behavior is frowned upon here, I reject the call and blindly send a text instead.


In class. What’s up?


Call me when you get out.

I pocket my phone again and do my best to pay attention. As soon as class is over, I make my way to my van and call Jonah on the way. “What’s up?” he answers.

“You asked meto call you.”

“Oh yeah. I can probably assume your answer, but I thought I’d ask anyway…”


“Do you know if Harlow’s okay?”

My heart falters a beat. So do my steps. “I don’t really speak to her, so… no? Why?”

“Yeah, I figured you’d say that. She called in sick to work yesterday, and she wasn’t at school today, so I was just checking.”

“Is her car at her house?”

“I don’t know. I’m still ten minutes away, but I’ll drive by and check. Thanks.” He hangs up, and I wait until I’m behind the steering wheel to send him a text.
