I have no idea who he’s talking about.
“First actual sexual experience? Last year. Sammy Buxton.”
My brow dips in confusion. “I thought you guys hated each other.”
“False,” he’s quick to correct. “That hate is one-sided. I’m in love with the girl.”
“We were at a party at Ryan’s.”
I don’t know if I need to know the details, but Jonah seems adamant about telling me, so I stay quiet and listen.
“We’re talking. I tell her I’m hungry and she says she is too, so we go to Ryan’s kitchen. His walk-in pantry, to be exact, and she kisses me. And I’m like, hell yeah, I’ve wanted her for the longest time. So, we make out for, like, a half hour. She lets me touch her in places, and then we both agree to go upstairs. To Ryan’s bed.”
“Does he know this?”
“Shut up,” he quips. “So, we’re in Ryan’s bed, and we start fooling around, and next thing you know, we’re naked… One thing leads to another and we’re having sex… Next minute, it’s over, and I apologize and she assures me it’s fine.”
“Wait.” I lift my head slightly. “Why did you apologize?”
“Did you miss the part where I said,next minute,bro? That’s literally how long I lasted.”
“Oh, no…”
“Yep,” he says, popping thep.“So this girl—this beautiful, insanely cool girl—can’t look at me when it’s over, because she just realized she gave up her virginity to a dickhead likeme. We get dressed, go our separate ways… Then I get to school on Monday, and she flat outhatesme. Glares at me the whole time. Can’t stand to be around me. And it’s been that way since. And I get it, I do… I, too, would hate to be associated with a two-pump chump.”
I laugh quietly into the darkness.
“What about you?” he asks, flicking on the lamp on the nightstand. He looks down at me from his position on the bed, waiting expectantly.
Eyebrows raised, I ask, “My firstboner?”
He shrugs.
I can’t believe we’re having this conversation. “D.Va fromOverwatch.”
“Good answer,” he replies, impressed, and offers his fist for a bump. I do as he asks.
“First kiss?”
“Reyna,” I answer. “She’s all the firsts, and I think you already know that.”
“I figured,” he says, nodding. “But she’s not your firstlove, right?”
I sigh, positive he already knows the answer to that too. “Can I ask you something?”
“Was it wrong of me… to ask for the payout?”
“I don’t know.” It’s his turn to sigh. “There are a lot of factors to take in here.”
“Like, did she know you were going to do it?”