Devon and I exchange a look. That’s odd. I’m no plumber, but even I know fittings don’t generally come loose on their own.
“The plumber assured us that he had double checked each one himself a week before the flood.” She looks over her shoulder at us as she pushes open a bathroom door. Inside, there’s a wall that’s been cut open to reveal the plumbing. “Do you know him? David? We haven’t worked with him before, but our neighbors have. He seems quite trustworthy.”
“I haven’t met him,” I answer.
Devon is quick to defend him. “I have only ever had great experiences with David. We’ve worked on at least a dozen projects together. I would be stunned if he were being dishonest.”
“That’s a relief to hear,” Mrs. Sandro says. “I thought so too, but this is all so bizarre. I don’t know what to think.” She points to the piping. “This wall was already open because of the remodel, and the flooding starting with that pipe. David and the person they sent out from the insurance company both think someone loosened them on purpose. But we can’t figure out who or why. I was hoping you’d have some ideas.”
A name comes to mind, although I don’t have any legitimate reason to suspect him. I keep my thoughts to myself and let Devon answer.
“I don’t want to accuse anyone,” she says.
“Of course not. Honestly, the insurance wants us to open a police investigation, so I’m sure it’ll all come out that way.”
Devon steps into the tub, inspecting the pipes, although I don’t know what she could be looking for. “Have you already talked to the rest of the crew?” she asks.
“No, we wanted to start with you. Honestly, we like you best.” I can’t stop my proud smile at her praise of Devon. “Thought you might know since it was mentioned in that garbage gossip blog.”
Whatever Devon feels about that, she doesn’t show it. “I’m working on figuring out why that blog happened, and who wanted to try to hurt my business.” She sighs. “I hate to think these two things are related, but it’s seeming like it might be, isn’t it?”
“You know we don’t blame you. We know this isn’t your fault. No offense, but I’ve never seen you hold a tool. I doubt you’d even know how to loosen a fitting.” Devon doesn’t hold tools because it isn’t her job.
Devon considers her words before continuing. “I may have some information that could help you, but I have to do some more digging first. I’ll reach out to you as soon as I have something.” Mrs. Sandro pushes for details, but Devon’s careful and says she’s not going to incriminate anyone without proof.
As soon as Devon and I are back in my truck, she says, “I think it was Alex.”
“That’s what I was thinking too. What the fuck is that guy’s problem?”
“I still haven’t found proof that he was working with Trina to try to tank Friday West, but I’m close. I think she must have been paying him or something. Although, the idea that he would stoop this low surprises me.”
“Not me,” I say, pulling out of the Sandros’ neighborhood.
“Just because someone calls me a bitch doesn’t mean they’re going to be willing to intentionally flood someone’s house.”
Anger at the memories tightens my jaw. “That’s enough reason for me to believe it.”
She scoffs, and from the corner of my eye I see her scrolling rapidly on her phone. “He called me from the house really early on the day of the flood. At the time, I thought he was the one who discovered it,” she says, continuing to scroll. “Ah! There it is. He called me at five-fifty-six from the jobsite. Have you ever known him to show up to work before seven-thirty?”
“Nope.” I shake my head. “He usually shows up later to work than any GC I’ve ever known.”
“I’m adding this to my little pile of evidence. Haven’t figured out quite what to do with all of it yet, but I’m done letting this fly.” During the rest of the ride to her office, she fills me in on everything else her and Bea have discovered.
When we get there, a woman I recognize from Trina’s place is waiting inside with Bea.
“I’m so glad you decided to come,” Devon greets her.
“It’s about time someone did something about this,” the woman responds.
Chapter 32
Drop by Trina’s office.
- From Devon’s schedule, September 10th
Deep breath in and out. In and out. My plan is only half-formed, but this couldn’t wait a moment longer. The fact that Alex’s truck is in the parking lot outside Trina’s office is just a sign that now is the right time.