Page 33 of How Dare You

You can find my laptop in the top drawer of the desk.

-Trailer Daddy

A. You can’t call yourself that.

B. You’ve had a laptop and Wi-Fi this whole time!

-Notes on the whiteboard by the front door, August 22nd


She did it again, curled up on my chest while she slept. Wrapped every inch of one of those sexy as hell legs around my body. She has to be fucking with me, but I’m not ready to say anything about it. I’m enjoying it too much. I let her think she woke up first, too.

“Oh, shit,” she gasps, realizing she’s draped her body over mine. I have to work hard to suppress a smile because I’m pretty sure that’s the first time I’ve heard her swear.

She’s up and out of the bed immediately. Soon after, the smell of coffee wafts through the trailer followed a few minutes later by the sound of the door closing.


My pace is a little better today. I’m growing accustomed to the uneven terrain. I left in such a hurry, I forgot my headphones, so I don’t miss the sound of his truck starting a few minutes later.

In the middle of the night, I woke up curled against him, and couldn’t bring myself to move off of him like I should have. The rise and fall of his chest with each slow, steady breath was too comforting. Which is ridiculous. But I told myself I could enjoy it for just a couple minutes and ended up falling back asleep. I was still sprawled across him when I woke up this morning. It’s a wonder he didn’t wake up and claim his prize in all that time.

Legs jelly-sore and body dripping with sweat after my run, I pause at the reception rock to send a text before indulging in the outdoor shower.

Me: One of you will need to take my massage appt for the next two Mondays. I don’t want to cancel on Sam.

Allie: Oh, you definitely don’t hate us anymore if you’re giving away massages.

Me: None of you are forgiven for stranding me in the desert with this asshole.

Bea: Asshole? Did he do something?

Sadie: Do we need to come get you?

Me: No. He’s just annoying.

Sadie: Can I have the massage?

Bea: Sure, angel! Allie, you should take next week’s.

Allie: Ooh, yay! That sounds awesome.

Me: Glad you’re all enjoying my pink flamingo purgatory.

Allie: We all know you’re enjoying it the most.

Sadie: Aw, what’s wrong with the flamingos? I thought they were so cute. I want some for our house.

Me: Don’t you dare desecrate our home with those plastic monstrosities.


For Christmas last year, my mom gifted me a leatherbound notebook, suggesting I use it to help determine what it is that matters to me. I’ve been writing down the most important thing that’s happened every day since, hoping a pattern would emerge. As soon as I knew Devon was staying with me, I had to hide it in my truck because of how often her name appears.

I got to hold Devon while she slept. Again.

I scribble down the note and lock it in my glovebox before driving back to the trailer from my house.