Page 21 of Match Point

‘What’s wrong?’ he asks impatiently.

‘Everything okay in there?’ Neil calls out from the living room.

‘Yes, all fine thanks,’ I squeak in a much higher-pitched voice than normal, stepping into the bathroom and shutting the door behind me. Kieran looks bewildered.

‘What are you doing?’

‘I don’t want Neil to overhear but we have to talk,’ I whisper, trying to keep my eyes firmly on his and not let them wander downwards, no matter how tempting. ‘There’s been a problem and I appreciate you don’t want to leave but you definitely need to find somewhere else to stay for the next few weeks. Sorry.’

He sighs, lifting his eyes to the ceiling. ‘I told you before I’m not leaving. I can help you find somewhere else to go if you like, but—’

‘No, it’s not that. There are going to be photos of you staying here in the press.’


‘So, if my landlord sees, he might think I’ve let out the flat for Wimbledon, which is against the rules of my lease.’

He stares at me, his brow furrowed.

‘But you have let out the flat for Wimbledon,’ he says eventually.

‘Yes, I’m aware of that, thank you,’ I seethe, going to lean casually on the heated towel rail and then flinching when it instantly burns my hand.

Realisation dawns on him and his eyes widen with interest. ‘You broke the rules.’

I glare at him, heat rising up my neck at being caught out. ‘I wasn’t sure of the rules. It might be fine, but I don’t think it is. Do you know how high rent is for this place? I’m temping at the moment; cash isn’t exactly flowing in. It’s not like he’d be affected by someone else crashing here for a few weeks! He’d get his rent on time as usual so I didn’t think it would be a problem. I didn’t think he’d ever find out.’

Kieran listens to my rambling with a set expression, no hint of compassion.

‘So, when the tabloids run the photos of me coming in and out of the house, you’re worried he’ll see those and work out your con,’ he says slowly.

‘It’s not a con! I’m not some kind of criminal mastermind.’

‘But you are committing a crime.’

My mouth drops open in disbelief. ‘It is not… it’s… I… you…’

He arches a brow and a hint of a smile plays across his lips. I exhale in fury.

‘You are so mean,’ I hiss.

‘Don’t worry, I don’t plan on ratting you out to the police,’ he says coolly. ‘But I’m afraid I won’t be giving up the flat. I like it here on Lingfield Road.’

There’s a knock on the bathroom door and I freeze at the sound of Neil clearing his throat from the other side. Kieran’s eyebrows shoot up.

‘Kieran? Miss Hendrix?’ he says, sounding uneasy. ‘Are you… both in there?’

My head held high, I open the door. Neil’s eyes scan from my fixed smile to Kieran’s current state of undress. His jaw clenches.

‘I don’t mean to interrupt,’ he says, his voice clipped and cold.

‘It’s fine, we were… talking,’ I stammer, glancing at Kieran who remains unfazed. ‘I’m afraid there’s a problem.’

Neil frowns. ‘What is it?’

‘Kieran can no longer stay here,’ I say bluntly. ‘He’ll have to find somewhere else. Sorry about the mix-up, but there’s nothing I can do. I have to stay in the flat.’

‘What happened?’ Neil asks, puzzled.