Page 94 of Match Point

‘It’s not like there’s a written record of who cheated on who,’ I say, slumping back on the cushions. ‘And I highly doubt Zoe is going to come forward with the truth. I’ve told Iris not to say anything either, even though she’s about as mad as you are, Kieran.’

‘We hadn’t even met when you two broke up!’ Kieran seethes. ‘If I see that guy again, if he dares come anywhere near you or this flat, I’m going to—’

Nicole clears her throat pointedly, giving him a look.

‘I will… talk to him,’ Kieran concludes through gritted teeth.

‘I don’t think he’ll be coming anywhere near here anymore,’ I say, getting up and moving over to him, taking his hands in mine. ‘Kieran, I promise, I’m okay.’

He exhales, his shoulders dropping as he leans forward to press his forehead against mine. ‘I hate that he’s done this to you,’ he murmurs.

‘Me too. But, honestly? It hasn’t hurt me like I thought it might,’ I admit, pulling away so I can look him in the eye. ‘He doesn’t have any power over me anymore.’

He sighs. ‘Good. I hate that guy.’

‘Forget him. And see it this way – I’m going to have some really good ammo when we next play tennis and you lob a ball my way. I’ll just think of him and this interview and BAM. A winning smash.’

Kieran breaks into a smile, tiny crinkles forming around his eyes.

‘I think I’m all done here, then, if you’re feeling okay, Flora?’ Nicole announces, standing up and picking up her designer handbag.

We’ve only been properly acquainted for an hour, but I really like Nicole. She’s a smart, no-nonsense woman in her thirties, and she reminds me a bit of Iris. As soon as you meet her, you know you want this person on your side.

‘I’m fine. It was really good of you to come over to talk me through everything.’

‘Any friend of Kieran’s…’ She smiles, walking across the room to the door. ‘In a professional capacity, I can say that you’re making a sensible decision by not responding to this interview. In a non-professional capacity and completely off the record, I’d like to say that your ex is an attention-seeking prick who never deserved you. You’re well rid.’

I laugh. ‘Thank you, I appreciate that.’

‘If you need anything else or have any questions, just call me. Kieran, we’ll talk later about the press surrounding the tournament.’

‘Thanks, Nicole,’ he says, showing her to the front door.

When she leaves, sunglasses on, head bowed, I hear the instant barrage of questions from the awaiting paparazzi. The door shuts and Kieran wanders back into the living room, leaning on the doorframe, watching me closely as I chew my thumbnail.

‘Are you okay?’ he asks gently.

‘I’ve told you, I’m fine.’

‘Yeah, but are you saying you’re fine when you’re not actually fine?’

I drop my hand and smile. ‘What he said about me sucks and it’s embarrassing, but I’ll get through it.’

‘I’m so sorry,’ he says quietly, chewing his lip. ‘You must have had such a shit day.’

‘Actually, I did loads of sketching today. My book is really coming along,’ I tell him brightly. ‘I didn’t see the article until lunchtime.’

Kieran’s eyes drop to the floor and his expression saddens, the creases on his forehead deepening. ‘This is my fault. One of the hazards of knowing me. Privacy intrusion.’

‘Hey,’ I say softly, walking over to him and cupping his face in my hands. ‘This isn’t your fault. Jonah is the one who decided to sell his story to the press.’

‘It’s because of me that your life is being pulled apart,’ he mutters. ‘They won’t stop here. They’ll keep digging and prying and hurting you. All because you know me.’

‘Kieran, stop!’ I insist, my heart aching at how defeated he seems. ‘I don’t mind.’

‘I mind. I mind,’ he repeats, his eyebrows pulled together. ‘Until I came along, you didn’t have to worry about anything like this. Now, your ex is airing your secrets and—’

‘It’s worth it,’ I state firmly, holding his gaze. ‘Okay? It’s worth it to me.’