Page 56 of Match Point

I love this game!!


I hate this game.

I absolutely hate this game. How is this possible? How is this happening? He’s just lost the third set 6–2! It doesn’t make any sense!

My head in my hands, I watch as the camera zooms in on Kieran dabbing the sweat off his neck with a towel before he tosses it on the chair next to him. His right leg is shaking. Or rather, he’s shaking his right leg. I wonder if he even knows he’s doing it. His jaw is twitching, his eyes have darkened – he looks more angry than determined.

‘Keep your head,’ I tell him through the screen. ‘You’ve got this.’

But he can’t hear me. I hate that he can’t hear me.

It’s time and he pushes himself sluggishly off the chair while his opponent springs to his feet, racing down his end of the court.

‘No, no, no,’ I mutter, frowning at Kieran as he plucks pointlessly at the strings of his racket. ‘Don’t lose hope. You’re still a set up.’

Not for long. As the fourth set slips away from him, his whole demeanour changes and the atmosphere on court sours. He starts yelling at himself whenever he makes a mistake and knocking at his leg with his racket in frustration. The microphones can pick up on what he’s saying as he tells himself it’s ‘not good enough’ and to ‘sort yourself out’. During an end change, Kieran spends too long at his chair fishing out another racket from his bag and the chair umpire prompts him again.

‘Yes, I’m coming!’ Kieran snaps.

The umpire lifts his eyebrows – he doesn’t approve of the tone.

When Berger wins the set point with a masterful forehand, Kieran watches it fly past from the other side of the court, powerless, and he closes his eyes and nods. It’s like he’s accepted the loss.

I’m worried now, but I won’t lose hope, and I try to send all those vibes through the screen to Kieran, willing him to believe in himself. It’s the fifth set and the crowd are as invested in this match as I am. It’s already been a rollercoaster and could go either way. He wins his serve, but then swiftly loses the next game. As he steps up to serve again, I am sitting on the edge of my seat, leaning forwards with my elbows resting on my knees, my jaw aching from how tightly my teeth are clenched.

Do not lose this game, I’m thinking over and over. Because I can tell that Kieran’s confidence is hanging on by a thread and if the other guy breaks his serve, I’m not sure he will find the strength to come back. I know he has it in him, but I don’t think he does.

Kieran kicks the game off with a powerful serve, but Berger gets the return. They embark on an extraordinary rally, both playing as though everything rests on this one point. Kieran gets in what I’d assume to be a lethal slice drop shot, but Berger miraculously reaches it, tapping it over the net as he stumbles over his feet. Kieran lunges forward and manages to lob the ball back. Only just recovering from the drop shot, Berger doesn’t give up, racing backwards with his racket outstretched and sending it soaring back over the net to the baseline. Kieran isn’t prepared, but he goes for it all the same and manages a clumsy return. Now in full control, his opponent calmly measures up the ball and thwacks the ball diagonally across the court to the open space. It should be a winning shot.

But Kieran has guessed his play and he’s there.

It’s like slow motion, the way his body rotates, pulling the racket back and then swinging it through the air in one smooth, silky flow of movement. A bright yellow blur, the ball zips over the net and lands just inside the singles sideline of the service box.

He’s won the point. Just before he launches into an animated fist pump in celebration, I see the flash of surprise cross his face. Berger is flabbergasted. That one little point was the confidence boost he needed and now, nothing can stop him.

He’s back in the game.



What type of cake do you think is more appropriate

to celebrate getting through the first round of Wimbledon,

chocolate or red velvet? Or could go Victoria sponge??

Instead of Champagne, I’m going for English sparkling wine

I thought that’s kind of on theme,

because it’s an England tournament

Although now I think about it,

they serve Champagne at Wimbledon