‘It’s time to leave, Jonah,’ Kieran reminds him with an intimidating stare.
‘All right, all right, keep your panties on. She’s all yours, mate,’ Jonah snaps, moving to slide past him, before muttering under his breath, ‘Go to town on my sloppy seconds.’
It’s a fateful mistake. In one swift movement, Kieran grasps the lapels of Jonah’s jacket in his fists, hauls him up and slams his back against the fridge so hard, it wobbles dangerously. Pinned to the fridge, Jonah gasps as Kieran looms over him.
‘What did you just say?’ Kieran seethes, leaning into him.
‘Kieran, don’t!’ I blurt out, rushing forwards and grabbing his arm. ‘He’s not worth it. Trust me.’
Exhaling through his nose, Kieran’s eyes remain locked on Jonah’s, which are wide and panicked. I squeeze Kieran’s arm. He takes a step back and lets go. Jonah gulps audibly as Kieran narrows his eyes at him.
‘Don’t ever disrespect her like that again,’ Kieran says in a voice so deadly cold it makes Jonah shudder. ‘Now, get out.’
His cheeks flushed pink, Jonah checks the lapels of his leather jacket and, shooting me a furious parting glance, marches out the kitchen. His footsteps thud down the hall and we hear the door slam so hard, it makes me jump. Kieran and I stand in silence, until he turns to me and puts his hands on his hips.
‘I could use a drink,’ he grunts. ‘What about you?’
My heart racing, I lean against the counter.
‘Yeah,’ I breathe, breaking into a grateful smile. ‘A drink would be great.’
‘So tell me,’ Kieran begins, sitting back and looking at me curiously, ‘what exactly is it that you saw in that Danny Zuko wannabe?’
Sitting on the opposite end of the sofa to him, I take a sip of wine before answering. ‘He was very sweet and charming when we first met.’
‘Yeah, he seems a real catch. How long were you together, if you don’t mind me asking?’
‘Three years.’
‘That long?’ Kieran’s eyes widen in shock. ‘How is that possible?’
I sigh, swirling the liquid round my glass. ‘I don’t know. I put him on a pedestal, to be honest. He was so charismatic and funny, always the centre of attention and life of the party. I felt lucky to be with him. He chose me when he could have had anyone.’
‘He made you feel that way,’ Kieran comments with disgust. ‘He knew you were out of his league, so he made you feel small so you’d think you couldn’t do better.’ He shakes his head, before muttering, ‘I’m glad you finally saw the light.’
I grimace. ‘Actually, I didn’t.’ I take another gulp while he watches me. ‘He dumped me after I caught him cheating on me.’
Kieran tilts his ear in my direction as though he didn’t hear me correctly.
‘I know, I know,’ I sigh, shaking my head. ‘Pathetic, isn’t it.’
‘It’s not pathetic,’ he states, frowning at me. ‘It’s frustrating.’
‘Yeah. When I look back on our break-up, I almost don’t recognise the person I was then, you know? It’s weird. I was so desperate for him to stay with me and now I really don’t know why.’ I take a more measured sip of wine. ‘Anyway, I’m sorry about today. I didn’t think he’d… I have no idea why I even let him in.’
‘Maybe because you trusted him to act like a decent person,’ Kieran says in a low voice, looking troubled.
‘Stupid of me.’
‘Kind of you,’ Kieran corrects, his steely blue eyes locking with mine and making my heart flutter. ‘That’s never a bad thing. It was his mistake to think he could treat someone like that in their own home.’ He raises his own drink to his lips. ‘Let’s hope he doesn’t make that mistake again, for his sake.’
‘I’m sure he won’t, thanks to you.’ I give him a wry smile, adding earnestly, ‘Thank you. I’m embarrassed that you had to step in.’
Kieran frowns at me. ‘Don’t be embarrassed. It was my pleasure to put that prick in his place. Neil wouldn’t be best pleased if he found out, mind you, so maybe we keep the incident between ourselves. After the other night, I’m meant to be lying low.’ He hesitates. ‘Let’s hope Danny Zuko doesn’t go running to the press to tell his sob story.’
‘And admit that he got his arse kicked by you? Unlikely,’ I assure him. ‘He may be desperate for publicity, but surely not that desperate.’