Page 70 of For the Sub

By way of apology, he reached for her braid and drew her up by it. “I was out of line.”

“There’s no need to explain, Sir. I understand.”

Do you?

How was that possible when even he didn’t comprehend what the hell was happening here?

“Bend over the bed,” he said, tone much gruffer than intended.

He needed to watch his damn step and dive into a scene where the rules were understood and he was in control of the situation…and himself.

As she moved into position, he picked up the pair of cuffs and walked to the far side of the mattress. “Offer me your hands.”

“Yes, Sir.”

After she obeyed, he secured her in the soft restraints. “You may hold on to the bedding if needed.”

“What are you going to do to me, Sir?” Her voice trembled with the sweet huskiness of arousal.

“I’m going to fuck your tight ass.”

She lifted her chin to meet his gaze. “You’re going to…?” Desire made her pupils dilate, and her lips were parted. “Yes.”


“In the bathroom linen closet.”

“Remain where you are.”

“I wouldn’t have done otherwise, Sir.”

He exited the room to find two dogs and a cat curled up outside the door, like sentries on duty.

Whisper blinked then ignored him while Dana cocked her head to one side. Damned MW lunged for his toes. “Don’t you dare.”

The dachshund whined as if deprived of a favorite toy but lay back down.

Niles wondered if Brandy would feel compelled to come to his—or the dog’s—rescue but she didn’t move.

“Such a good sub,” he said to her after he’d returned. “I thought you might not follow my order.”

“If you had wanted my help, you’d have let me know. But that doesn’t mean I wasn’t tempted, Sir.”

He placed the lube and hand towels on the nightstand. “At the Den, you disobeyed one of my instructions.”

Her hot body trembled.

“Do you remember what it was?”

“Yes, Sir. I came without permission.”

“I promised you a punishment for it. Would you like to accept that now?”

“If it pleases you, Sir.” She took a tiny breath. “I’d rather not have the threat looming out there.”

“I want you to remember this night for a long time.”

“Master Niles, I will remember every moment with you.” Since she was facedown, the mattress muffled her words, but it couldn’t disguise the honesty or the pulse of need.