With a saucy grin, she turned her backside to him and flicked her hair over her shoulder, fully intending to scamper out of his reach by the time he let the towel fly.
But he outsmarted her.
While her skirt was still down, he flicked his wrist, catching her with a searing strike. Breath whooshed out of her. “Yowzer!”
“We’ll continue until you give in and agree to let me help you.”
Even though she knew he was serious, and that smack hurt like hell, accepting what he said was so far outside of her experience that she didn’t know what to do with it. “You’re a guest, Master Niles.”
With his hand on her back, he forced her down over the counter and yanked up her skirt to tuck the hem in the waistband.
The next one would burn even more.
“Now can we clean the kitchen, or would you like to argue some more?”
As she glanced back at him, meeting his gaze, she rubbed away the sting. “Damn, Sir, you don’t show any mercy.”
“Do you want me to?”
Do I?
“In that case, we’ll continue.”
When he pulled down her tights, she tightened her buttocks.
“Last chance, Brandy.”
Would it be so terrible to have help? To allow him to set some of the rules? With a sigh, she gave in. “Fine.”
“Fine?” he repeated against her ear, his breath warm, sending tingles through her. “What does that mean?”
She’d much rather receive an erotic spanking than this. “Thank you, Sir. I’ll accept the help.”
“That’s a good girl.”
He tossed the towel toward the counter, but Dana snatched it in mid-air and scampered toward her crate.
MW’s nails scrabbled on the tiled floor as he struggled to keep up so he could nip the larger dog’s heels.
“You were correct,” he said as he righted her clothing and helped her to stand. “She is fast. Sorry about that.”
“I’ll get it later. If I try to get it now, she’ll think we are playing tug-of-war.”
When they ignored the animals, they settled down.
“Now let’s get to work so we can enjoy the rest of the evening.”
A delicious shiver traced through her.
Bending, ass stinging and unable to imagine what it would have felt like on bare skin, she grabbed the dish soap from beneath the sink.
Fifteen minutes later, he closed the last cupboard door. Every surface had been washed and dried. Even the floor had been swept.
“Thank you for the help, Sir.” Appreciatively, she turned to face him. “That was fast.”
“And neither of us will need to worry about it later tonight or tomorrow.”
“Which is a blessing.”