Unless he wanted to live without her for the rest of his life, he had to take a risk.
She was worth anything.
Resolved, he exhaled and climbed from behind the wheel.
Before he even knocked on her door, MW’s high-pitched yips and Dana’s massive bark reached him.
The constancy of the animals was oddly soothing.
From somewhere unseen, Whisper meandered over and wound around his legs.
When he bent to pet the feline, the animal dashed off.
Evidently he wanted things on his terms.
Niles smiled wryly. That was something he understood.
Moments later, Brandy opened the door.
When she saw him, her eyes widened, and her shoulders fell as the breath went out of her.
After reaching for the doorjamb with one palm, she pressed her free hand to the hollow of her throat.
Niles. Not Master Niles.
What had he expected?
He took comfort in the fact she hadn’t slammed the door in his face. “I, er, had a few things to go over about the website.”
She narrowed her eyes. “You could have emailed.”
“Yeah,” he agreed, voice rougher than he intended. “I could have.”
“Or called.”
“Or even sent a text message.”
Her every point was spot on, and they both knew it. “Also accurate.”
Obviously she hadn’t been expecting company. She had on fuzzy pink slippers and faded-to-white jeans with a hole in one knee. Her gray sweatshirt was at least two sizes too large.
Jesus. He’d never seen a woman look more beautiful.
Her hair was in a ponytail, and she smelled of sunshine and hope.
And maybe second chances?
“You could have even tried smoke signals if all those other approaches failed.”
“My fire-starting skills are a bit rusty.”
“I’ve got the flamethrower.”