Page 157 of For the Sub

Bag slung over her shoulder, she breezed past him and hurried toward the door, her head low so that she didn’t have to make eye contact with anyone and see whoever was witnessing her mortification.

Gregorio followed, and it occurred to her she was being escorted out.

An envelope bearing her name lay on the check-in table, and he picked it up and offered it to her.

“I’ll buy you dinner tomorrow.”

“No, thanks,” she snapped. “I’ll be all right.”


“Give me some time, okay? You’ve been the only steadfast person in my life for the last few years. And this feels like a total fucking betrayal.”

“It’s not that way. I’m being a better friend to you now than I ever have been.”

How will I manage without you?

“Get out of my way, please.” She was hanging on by a thread.

He held up his hands. “Call me.”

“I’m deleting your number from my phone.”

Her car was still outside where she’d left it.

Once she was in the driver’s seat with the door closed and locked, she dropped her head onto the steering wheel.

What am I supposed to do now?

She did the only thing she could think of.

After digging her phone from the bottom of her purse, she texted Margot to open a bottle of wine.

When she arrived at their home, John was in his man cave, and Margot had already poured them each a glass.

Like a good friend, Margot offered Brandy a job waiting tables. “But you’d have to wear a few more clothes than you did at the Den.”

“No she wouldn’t!” John called from the other room.

“Pervert!” Margot shouted back.

Brandy laughed, something she hadn’t been sure she’d ever do again.

“And turn up the sound on the damned television instead of listening to our conversation!” Margot yelled.

“Sorry, babe! Can’t hear you over the sound of the TV.”

At their easy, friendly banter, Brandy smiled.

She truly was grateful for their friendship.

“So tell me everything that’s going on. I know you got fired, but there has to have been a good reason.”

“I’m not sure I want to talk about it.”

“Even better. Drink up. We’ll eat pie and ice cream and talk about anything except well, you know, the off-limits stuff.”

After making arrangements for the pets to be taken care of, Brandy spent the night on her friends’ couch and stayed there even when they left the house at four o’clock to open the restaurant.