All she needed to do was finish up some work and pack her belongings. “Sounds perfect.”
“I’ll count the hours.”
Brandy wondered where he was. Home? An office? She wanted to be able to picture him in his surroundings. Would she have that opportunity? He hadn’t invited her to his house, and she told herself that was okay.
They didn’t have a relationship.
This was simply an overnight date.
Too bad she couldn’t make her heart listen to her head.
“Call me when you’re on your way.”
Once they’d said their goodbyes, she grabbed a mug from a cupboard. Impatience made her grateful the coffee maker had the feature that allowed her to pull out the carafe and pour a cup without making a mess all over the countertop.
She carried her drink into her office and powered up her computer, intending to force herself to work if necessary.
No way would she spend the next couple of hours obsessing about what might happen the rest of the weekend.
An hour later, she realized she wasn’t fooling anyone. Rather than getting anything done, she kept staring out the window.
Giving up, she refreshed her coffee, tossed a load of laundry in the washing machine, then dressed in a skirt with tights. She added her favorite cocoa-colored suede boots and a turtleneck sweater. Suitable for the hotel lobby, she hoped.
She managed to focus long enough to make some final notes on Master Niles’s website and logo redesign.
Then she fed the lizards and cleaned their tank before walking the dogs and checking on Whisper. Since he’d been given the catnip, he had periods of great energy where he moved like a blur in her peripheral vision before he passed out for a long nap. The toy had to be an every once in a while treat, she decided.
By nine, her bag was ready to go.
She had all her makeup, a curling iron, three brushes, and the gifts Master Niles had sent.
Then, just in case, she tossed in an extra outfit and shoes.
Half an hour early, she was ready to go, which might have been a good thing since the driver arrived ahead of schedule.
When he turned the luxurious vehicle onto the main road, she called Master Niles. “Just wanted you to know I’m on my way.”
“Good.” His voice was a hungry purr. “Text me when you’re close, and I’ll meet you in the lobby.”
After promising to do so, she sat back to enjoy the ride.
Because she was usually the one behind the wheel, this was a treat, and she enjoyed the scenery.
The sky was a stunning, winter blue, and no clouds obscured the blazing sun.
Fortunately, the roads were clear and dry, with light traffic.
At her request, the driver pulled off the road so she could grab a vanilla latte in Frisco.
She didn’t travel to Denver often, but when she did, she liked to indulge in a rare treat. And why not? After all, Master Niles had promised her an amazing, pampered afternoon. She might as well start as she meant to go on.
When they left the foothills and headed for the plains, she realized she should have asked for a decaf. As it was, she’d drunk most of a pot of coffee before leaving home. And now, adrenaline was humming through her body.
As they neared I-25, she texted Master Niles then started to scroll through her favorite social media site to distract herself.
Though he’d said he’d meet her in the lobby, he was waiting outside the hotel when the driver pulled to a stop.
Her heart thumping, she took him in.