Page 89 of For the Sub

Though she’d been crazy in love with Reyes, and they’d lived together for a while in his exclusive Cherry Creek townhome, she’d never been comfortable there.

The whole time, she’d been aware of their differences, and she’d felt a little like the maid who was responsible for all the upkeep, rather than the mistress of the household.

In retrospect, she realized Reyes had done little to ensure she felt secure.

In fact, he’d cancelled his housekeeping service and allowed her to take over those responsibilities.

Worse, he’d selfishly never tried to become part of her life.

He’d turned down invitations to go fishing with her dad, and he’d refused to even meet her friends. When they’d been invited to parties, she’d had to go alone.

Master Niles, though he lived in those same social circles, couldn’t be more different.

Earlier, while she’d done her hair and dressed, he’d fed the dogs then gone back outside to collect their forgotten cups and her discarded clothing.

When she’d exited the bedroom, she’d found that he’d already started the car and turned on the heater so she didn’t get cold.

More than ever, she had to be vigilant with her emotional barriers.

Not only did he satisfy her sexually, but she also loved his relentless dominance, along with his old-world manners.

She could fall for him. Hard.

“Hey,” Margot said, joining them with a cup of coffee in hand.

Master Niles stood until after she’d taken her seat.

“Hope you’re not trying to impress me,” Margot said. “I know who you really are.”

“A world-class asshole?” he guessed, voice dry.

“Jesus, Margot,” Brandy protested as he sat back down. “Don’t make me sorry we came here.”

“No,” Margot said, responding to his comment while ignoring Brandy. “The world-class asshole was Reyes. Since you stepped foot through our restaurant door, you’re a second-string jerk at best.”

“I’m sorry,” Brandy said to him, blushing furiously. “We can leave now, Sir.”

“You’re seriously calling him Sir?”

“Enough,” Brandy warned. What the hell was wrong with her friend?

“Relax, sub. Margot can bare her teeth all she wants. She doesn’t scare me.”

“I should. I can be the biggest bitch on the planet.”

Brandy collapsed against the seatback. Coming here with Niles was right up there with some of the biggest mistakes she’d ever made.

“And?” He shrugged. “I like how protective you are of her. She deserves it.”

“Yeah.” Margot grinned. “But this doesn’t mean I like you.”

“Never assumed it did.”

Lord save me from this horrible conversation.

“Or that I approve of what you do,” Margot went on.

“So you’ve watched some of my videos with your husband?” he replied.