His statement blasted a thrill through her.
Maybe they were words uttered only during intimate moments, but still, she held onto them as if they were an emotional lifeline.
“Get on with it.”
“Yes, Sir,” she whispered, lost in him and his hoarse demand.
As she writhed, losing herself in memories and fighting back the impending orgasm, the bastard flipped the switch to high.
Crying out, she moaned.
At every turn, Master Niles challenged her, pushing her into realms she’d never before explored.
“That’s a good girl,” he said. “A minute and a half to go.”
If I don’t lose my mind first.
To occupy herself, she mentally counted backward from ninety.
I can do this.
Chapter Nine
In her peripheral vision, Brandy watched him remove the rest of his clothes.
The sight of his naked body might send her careening into the abyss.
She sensed, rather than saw, him open the nightstand to take out a condom.
Thank God.
Did that mean he’d finally put a stop to his madness and allow her to come?
“When you were replaying our scene…”
“Before you came, what were you remembering?”
She was so into this moment that she truly had no idea.
“Do you want me to start the timer over?”
“No!” She forced out a shaky breath. “I mean, no, Sir. That won’t be necessary.”
“Good. Now continue your story.”
I’m not sure I can even remember my own name. “What made me come was recalling the way the flogger felt on my body.”
He turned off the vibrator and pulled it away, leaving her shaking with need. The sudden silence and lack of stimulation shocked her.
Before she could ask any questions, he knelt on the bed between her legs.
“Open your mouth.”
When she complied, he placed the metal chain from the clamps between her teeth.