She laughed. “I’m sure I’d look like a duck rather than a seductress, Sir.”
“Regardless, you’d be very much aware of your place.”
“Master Niles, any woman, whether she’s in the lifestyle or not, is going to be aware of her place around you.”
“I’m not interested in any other woman.”
The force in his words made her slide back on the bed.
“We’re talking about you, Brandy.”
She chose her next words with great care. “You have a way of moving, speaking, behaving that makes me very much aware of being female and reinforces my submissiveness. It doesn’t matter if I am naked and chained at your feet, or dressed in that girdle you threatened me with—”
“I assure you, it wasn’t merely a threat.”
Breath whooshed from her lungs.
After what they’d just shared, she didn’t doubt him.
Legs planted far apart, arms folded across his chest, he considered her. His enigmatic remoteness both thrilled and frightened her.
“No matter where we are, Sir, in public, surrounded by my friends, I could never deny the force of your personality, nor would I want to. That you are a Dom excites me. I’ve thought about you since the evening we scened together.” Lowering her voice, she confessed, “I’ve masturbated to the memory.”
“Have you?”
“Show me.”
“Masturbate. Tell me what you were thinking while you were doing it.”
The suggestion alternately embarrassed and energized her.
With quick and efficient movements, he finished undressing her before folding her garments and neatly stacking them on top of the dresser.
“I’ll need my vibrator,” she said.
“Where is it?”
“Bottom drawer. Left side. Under my jeans.”
“Hiding it from company?”
“My version of a quick cleanup before guests started to arrive,” she confessed, hoping he had no need to go into her closet. All the mess from her office had been piled in there.
She propped a pillow behind her head and asked, “Will you also grab a pair of my nipple clamps, Sir?”
“You have several. Any preference?”
“The tweezers, please.”
He returned to the bedside a moment later and plugged in the large massager with its thick white head before offering the clamps.
“Would you like to put them on me, Sir?”
“Did you use them when you thought of me?”