The task was small, yet he cared, and that mattered a great deal to her.
She’d spent so long taking care of herself that having someone else ease part of the load seemed huge.
In a way it frightened her. If she came to count on him, she would be setting herself up for failure. But how could she do otherwise when his personality loomed so big?
In a surprise move, one that affirmed the nature of their relationship, he came back to cup her head with his palm.
The move was utterly dominant, a natural extension of his personality, making her shiver.
“No, Sir,” she whispered, meeting his all-seeing gaze.
“Then you’re responding to me.”
His voice held a confident note, telling her he was making a statement, not asking a question. “Yes, Sir. I am.”
He tightened his grip, and she closed her eyes in surrendered bliss.
Her whole life, she’d craved this kind of intimacy.
She’d had plenty of relationships, some with Doms, some with men who tried to give her what she wanted, some with vanilla guys who had no interest in helping her get her kink on.
This, however, was delicious because of its naturalness.
Master Niles couldn’t help being who he was, and she was powerless to do anything other than respond to his masculine determination.
He drew her head back, and she looked at him.
His strong jaw was set in a tight line, and his hard, chiseled features were inscrutable.
Gregorio had warned her to protect her heart. His words echoed in her mind as if he were standing there.
She couldn’t allow herself to get swept up in the moment with Master Niles and allow herself to think this meant anything to him.
He’d used the word friend and dispelled her earlier fears. They were two consenting adults enjoying each other’s company, nothing more. No matter how devastatingly handsome he was, or how much he made her insides flutter.
“Shall we get on with the ravishing?” The darkness vanished from his eyes, to be replaced by simmering heat.
“Or the banging,” she added, responding in kind.
“I accept your offer, beautiful Brandy.” Keeping his hand in place, he led her to the bedroom and closed the door.
Once they were inside, her pulse thready, he placed his hands on her shoulders, encouraging her to kneel.
So, so right. Natural. Inevitable.
When he dropped his hands, she missed his touch. But with trained patience, she waited for him to speak.
“Is there anything we need to discuss, Brandy?”
They needed to get this out of the way, and she appreciated him taking time for it, even though she was anxious to feel him inside her. “If it suits you, Sir, we can use the Den’s protocols. Halt for a safe word. Safe limits, nothing that will cause permanent scarring and, of course, we’ll use condoms. There are some in the nightstand drawer.”
He nodded.
The necessities out of the way, she glanced at the floor, her technique to ground herself in a submissive mindset. “May I help you with your boots, Sir?”
“Please do.”