Page 133 of For the Sub

“My pleasure, Sir.”

The little vixen took her time lowering herself to the floor, and he couldn’t look away. With an exaggerated sway of her hips, she preceded him down the hall.

Captivated, seduced, wondering which one of them was truly being mastered, he followed her.

Though he had never scened in his home, this week he’d bought a few things with the intention of hosting her.

Because he knew she’d like it, he’d installed a hook in the ceiling and purchased a thuddy flogger. “I want to secure you by your hair,” he told her.

“Your fantasy since that first night?”

He lifted a shoulder. “One I’ve been obsessing about.”

“I’d like that, please,” she said from her place on her knees.

Brandy’s responses were perfect.

She hadn’t become a sub just because it was something he wanted, which made her authentic in a way Eleanor never had been.

Nor was Brandy an actress who wanted to be perfect on screen. He’d had partners who’d requested they start over, or move a camera, or adjust the lighting.

Brandy had no artifice.

She was who she was, no explanations or apologies.

After gathering her hair, he placed a band at the top to make a ponytail.

Then he placed an additional band midway down and a final one at the bottom to keep the strands secure.

Though he’d done this several times for video, there was nothing perfunctory about his motions.

In fact, it was profoundly meaningful to him.

Her deep, steady breaths added to the atmosphere. “Stand please.”

Keeping her eyes downcast, she did so.

“Raise your arms.” He cuffed her hands to his overhead hook.

Her breaths became farther apart as she turned herself over to his ministrations and settled in with trust.

He secured her hair to the cuffs with a hemp rope and a square knot.

She made a soft sound of approval. “This is really sexy, Sir.”

“I’m glad you like it.”

“Very much, Sir.”

Heat radiated off her sexy body, and he wanted his hands all over her.

Niles forced himself to focus, something that wasn’t usually an issue for him.

He treated each scene like the job it had become.

Until she came along.

And now, he was remembering how reverent the act was when two people also shared a relationship outside of the dominance. “I told you previously your breasts need to be marked.”