Page 122 of For the Sub

“Oh, and I’d love a signed jersey, if we can find one.”

Together, they looked over all the items, chatted with a few people, and he added his name to a jersey signed by the team’s leading power forward.

“Thank you,” she said, wearing the biggest grin imaginable.

“There’s no guarantee we’ll win,” he warned.

“I understand that.”

But he’d make damn sure she got anything she wanted, no matter the cost.

Waitstaff made their way through the guests, carrying trays of champagne and canapés.

Despite the fact that they’d recently eaten dinner, Brandy accepted a crab and cheese wonton.

“I never get these, and I love them,” she explained. Then she shrugged, as if needing to justify herself. “And we skipped dessert.”

“You know you don’t have to have a reason to enjoy yourself.” He narrowed his gaze. “And as I’ve said before, never worry about calories because you’ll burn off every one of them.”

“In that case, Sir…” With great gusto, she bit the delicacy in half.

That was another thing he liked about her. The way she enjoyed even the littlest things…

She approached everything with enthusiasm.

Her sunny outlook gave him a renewed appreciation for life.

“Oh my gosh, no!”

At her exclamation, he followed the direction of her gaze.

“Someone’s bidding on that indulgent bath package that I wanted.” She frowned.

“Better go place another bid.”

“I think I will.” After wiping her hands on a napkin and placing that and her plate on a server’s tray, she made a beeline for the table.

He grinned.

Now that she was into the spirit of the fundraiser, there was no stopping her.

All her doubts about fitting in seemed to have vanished.

Seeing her confidence delighted him.

His attention was claimed by an associate, and he saw Brandy out of the corner of his eye, chatting with a couple who used to be friends with Eleanor.

She seemed relaxed, interested in the conversation.

It struck him how different it was being here with Brandy.

He was relaxed, having fun.

When Eleanor was alive, they had a divide and conquer strategy for every event they attended.

They’d each decide who they were going to talk to and about what.

She wanted him to grow his consulting business, and she wanted to land new clients for her law firm.