Page 121 of Dirty Boss

“I’m fine. Maybe it hasn’t hit me yet, but I’m fine. Did you hear he’s the brother of the victim in our case?”

“Yeah. That’s rough. He just wants justice.”

“It makes me want to find the real killer. We tried, though, and we couldn’t nail it down.”

“Well,” she says. “I’d say we could write a book about it together which always pressures the police, but Cole will lose his mind. It would just bring more attention to you and me. Reese might lose his mind, too.”

“Maybe if we let some time pass?”

“Maybe and we could secretly work on it on our own if we’re careful. I don’t mean keeping it from our men, but rather, keeping it from the public.”

“I love that idea.”

We chat about that idea for a few minutes, which turns into an hour and a half, with no word from Cole and Reese, which has us moving upstairs where Cat helps me unpack. Actually, Cat is lying across the bed watching me, but company counts as help. I’m just pulling out the sexy lingerie I bought in Paris from my suitcase to show Cat when a realization hits me. “I haven’t started my period.”

She sits up. “What? How late are you?”

I forget the suitcase in front of me on the floor, and bolt to my feet. “Only one day, but I’m never late.”

“You are too,” she reminds me. “That’s how you ended up on the pill.”

“But now I’m on the pill and I’m never late.”

“I’m on the pill,” she says, “and I’ve been late. I even missed once.”

“Really?” I say, feeling a small pinch of relief.

“Yes. Really. And you’re only one day late.”

“I know,” I say, “but I was in Paris. The time zones were weird. I struggled to take it at the right time.”

“Exactly. You were in Paris. Your body is all whacked out from travel and the time change, not to mention you were attacked.”

“Right, but Cole is not good right now. I don’t want to freak him out with this.”

She stands up and settles her hands on my shoulders. “You’re overreacting, which is not you. I think you’re more freaked out over the attack than you realize. You’re suppressing it and a crash is coming. Let’s drink some wine and lay down. Maybe you can fall asleep.”

“I’m not drinking wine. What if I’m pregnant?”

“You’re not pregnant, but fine, we’ll turn out the lights, talk, and try to snooze a bit while we wait on the men. Actually, why don’t you go take a hot bath? I’ll chill out here in the bedroom.”

I nod and head to the bathroom, running the water and sinking into the tub. Cat pops her head in when I’m neck deep in bubbles. “Wine?”


She laughs and disappears, calling out, “You’re not pregnant!”

I sigh. I hope not. Not now. It’s not the time. Cole and I need to find us first and decide if we want to be parents. I just need Cole right now and I think he just needs me, too. I think he really needs me right now and I really wish he’d call or just come home.

I’m not sure when I fall asleep, but it’s some time in the middle of a long conversation with Cat about her newest book. I blink awake and it’s not Cat beside me anymore. Cole is sliding under the blankets with me, pulling me close. “Hey,” I whisper groggily, my hand settling on the rough stubble of a good two-day growth. “How are you?” I ask as his big hand lands on my hip, pulling me closer, his bare leg sliding between mine that are covered in leggings I wore because Cat was here.

“Better now that I’m here with you.”

“Where’s Cat?”

He strokes hair behind my ear. “She and Reese headed home.”

“And everything else?” I ask, catching his hand in mine, and dragging it to my chest.