Page 31 of Dirty Boss

“I cannot work for you,” she says. “There has to be another way. I have to talk to Reese.” She turns and heads for the door.

I force myself to stay put when I want to go after her. “And tell him what? You fucked me and now it’s awkward?”

She stops as I knew she would and whirls on me. I stand, straightening. We stare at each other, a battle of wills, and just as I expect any warrior to do, and she is a warrior, she steps toward me, and I her. We stop toe to toe. “Stay,” I say simply.

“This is not workable,” she says. “We—”

“Fucked,” I supply again. “That changes nothing about our jobs. I’ll give you a winning record and you’re good enough to own that record with me, with credit where credit is due.”


“Did things together that you don’t normally do,” I say. “I get that, Lori, and I’m damn glad you did them with me, but that—”

“Don’t say it changes nothing again. It changes everything.”

“Because we still want to fuck? Because had you not left, we would have been fucking the entire two months we were apart? Or because I spanked you, and that makes you feel like I have some kind of power over you? I don’t.”

“You’re my boss.”

“Who wants you to be demanding, and argumentative, and share your opinions. If you submit to me at work, you will fail. So, don’t even think about holding back. Now, if you submit to me in the bedroom, it’s pleasure. There’s a difference.”

My phone buzzes, and Lori shoves away from me, backing up until she’s against the door.

“Partners meeting in fifteen,” Maria announces.

“Thank you, Maria,” I reply, but I never take my eyes off Lori. I wait until I’m certain Maria’s disconnected the line and then I say, “You have three choices. One: Quit. Two: Work with me and succeed with me. Or three: Tell Reese you can’t work with me and give him a good reason, but before you do, keep in mind that he’ll coddle you, but then, he’ll doubt you. Because this job isn’t about being comfortable. It’s about being damn good, even when you’re uncomfortable. A trial is never comfortable, and a judge doesn’t give a fuck about your feelings, nor does your client or opposing counsel.”

“That has nothing to do with this,” she says. “This situation is not a reflection of how I’ll handle a trial.”

“Isn’t it?” I challenge. “What if you fucked the opposing counsel two years before? Would you quit on your client to avoid facing him?”

“Of course not,” she bites out.

“Then what’s it going to be? Stay with me or go to Reese?”

Her lips tighten. “I won’t fuck you again.”

“Then you choose me?”

“Professionally,” she says. “Yes.”

“Professionally, I’ll respect your limits,” I say. “But I’m not one to play games about what I want. This changes nothing. I still want to know you. I still want to fuck you, but I won’t. Not until you’re ready.”

“I’ll never be ready.”

“We’ll play that game until it gets too old, and it will quickly. For now, you have your first assignment. Study my cases and know why I won. Don’t come back until you can answer questions accurately on every single one of them.”

She studies me several beats, something flashing in her eyes before she turns and walks to the door, but when I think she will exit, she pauses and turns back to me. “I won’t ever be ready. You see, one night weeks back, I had this overwhelming need to go to the bar where I met you. I was compelled, and I went. I saw you there with another woman who looked a lot like me. It told me who you really are, and I don’t like that person.” She turns again and reaches for the door.

“Lori, stop,” I order, closing the space between us but not fast enough. She’s already out of the door, and right when I would exit to follow, Reese steps in front of me.

I curse under my breath, and he arches a brow. I give him my back and cross the room, claiming the spot behind my desk and sitting down. Reese shuts the door and crosses to sit in front of me. “How big of a problem is this?”

“Nothing I can’t handle,” I assure him, not big on denial.

“Did you fuck her?”

“If I did,” I say, “I wouldn’t tell you. That would be her story to tell.”