Page 89 of Reckless Encounters

We have officially started our exploration into our Dom/sub relationship, and let's just say, so far, it has been nothing but amazing. I didn’t think our connection could get any deeper, but this commitment has taken us to another level of intimacy.

I feel so entwined with every piece of Parker. That thought would have terrified me before, but now I have complete confidence in our relationship and devotion to one another.

Smiling on at my friends and all their exciting news, it feels amazing to know I will have this one day with the man I love.

For now, we’re going to keep exploring all aspects of life and building our dreams together.

Parker sees me watching him from across the room, and I trace his every move as he makes his way toward me. He leans down, whispering in my ear, “Is now a good time to announce our news?”

I stare up at him in confusion, until understanding hits and a big smile takes over my face.

The big softy wanted Binx to have a friend when we are gone, so we are getting another cat.

Holding in my laugh at the fact he thinks this is big news, I say, “We will let them have their moment.”

He smiles, kissing my forehead, and whispers, “I love you, Angel.”

“I love you more, P.”

“I don’t think that’s possible.”

The End