Page 78 of Reckless Encounters

Her fingers lace with mine as we make our way to the shuttles, my mind reeling on how she’ll react to my embarrassing truth.


I can’t believe Jason Lannister, who I haven’t seen in over ten years, is Parker's cousin. There is absolutely no resemblance, and they couldn’t be any more different. His cousin is still the definition of an ick wrapped up in a bow tie.

I hate the way this family has treated Parker over the years, and what little I know of Jason from all those summers ago fits that narrative. His family is exactly like my parents.

The longer we sit here as the bridal party walks down the aisle, the more I wonder why Parker is even giving these people the time of day by being here.

The harpist changes the melody, and the officiant directs everyone to stand. The beautiful white dress comes into view, and I look up to find a stunning yet familiar face.

OH MY… No fucking way.

She starts her walk down the aisle, and there is no doubt in my mind it is her. My eyes bounce between the bride and Parker, trying to see if his facial expression gives anything a way.

His never wavers, but I don’t miss hers.

Just like last weekend.

Her gaze lands on Parker in the crowd, and I notice she lingers on his face longer than any other. There is no denying the regret that washes over her before she regains composure.

I don’t even know what to think in this moment. Is Parker not who I thought he was?

Parker's fingertips trace circles over my knee as I sit there, wondering if she’s the reason he finally decided he wanted to come around his family.

It’s obvious they have motivated him to prove himself to them, but how far did he take that? Was that lunch a goodbye before the wedding?

No part of me thinks he was with her while we’ve been together this past month, but it's obvious they have some sort of history.

Was his hurt so deep that he took it as far as to have an affair with his cousin’s soon-to-be wife?

And if so, how would I feel about that?

A seemingly unaffected Parker takes my hand in his, following the crowd away from the ceremony area.

I let my hand slip from his grip, stepping in front of him. I don’t follow the crowd toward the cocktail and hors d’oeuvres; instead, I head for the empty gardens off to our left.

Whether it’s selfish or not, I need answers, and I need them right now.

“Ava, this way?” Parker nods in the direction of the pavilion, but I keep walking.

Most likely reading the look on my face, he is behind me in seconds. “What’s wrong?”

I continue walking, wanting to get well away from everyone, but Parker grabs my elbow. “Hey…what’s going on?” The concern in his voice and the way his eyebrows pinch together makes me feel guilty, but what. The. Fuck.

“I saw you with her. Who is she to you?” I feel the tears threatening to spill from my eyes.

“Angel…who?” Parker asks, stepping toward me. “There hasn’t been anyone else since you came to work for me. What are you talking?—”

“Your lunch meeting last Saturday.” I use air quotes for emphasis.

He closes his eyes, shaking his head. “How?”

“That’s not important. Tell me the truth, Parker. What the fuck have you brought me to today? Did we come to watch your cousin get married or your ex fuck-buddy?”

There is no doubt in my mind she has been with Parker just by the way she looks at him. I know, because he isn’t easy to forget.

His next words feel like they slam into me, rocking me to the core.