Page 76 of Reckless Encounters

If I didn’t want to admit it before today, there is no more lying to myself. My heart is completely on the line where Parker is concerned, and it’s hitting me just how scary that is when it comes to a man who doesn’t want someone with relationship expectations. He tried to warn me.

From the beginning, he has been weary of anything more with me. But his words from that night at Quinn and Eli’s constantly flash back into my mind, making me question if he even knows what his heart is capable of.

When I get back to his house, I hear him in his bedroom, but I won’t be the one seeking him out.

I curl up on my bed beside Binx, and his gentle purr eventually lures me to sleep.

The other side of my mattress dips, waking me up. Binx hops over me to greet his new favorite person, but I lie there pretending to still be asleep. Maybe it’s the unshed tears in my eyes from fear of what he’s going to say.

For some reason, today has triggered so many thoughts about how things will change once I move back to my own apartment, or even worse, when Luxure is finished. I hate feeling so fucking vulnerable.

“Ava?” He whispers my name like it's a question.

I don’t answer at first, and he moves to cuddle behind me. I want to protest, but his body wrapped around mine gives me the reprieve I’ve been seeking all day. “Av…”

“Hmmm?” I finally say, keeping my eyes closed.

His tattooed hand pushes my hair out of my face. “Would you be willing to go out to dinner with this asshole tonight? I know I don’t deserve it after the way I acted earlier.”

Oh, good for you… Two dates in one day. I still don’t answer him.

“Angel, I am so sorry.” The sincerity in his voice has me turning to face him.

I give him a weak smile, and he continues. “I’m embarrassed by how I acted earlier. It's no excuse, but I was annoyed I had to go out on a Saturday for a last-minute lunch meeting that I didn’t even want to have in the first place.”

I know a rational human would be most thankful he realized his behavior earlier and apologized for it. But right now, all I care about is the bit of relief he’s giving me about what I witnessed earlier.

I bite my tongue from asking who his meeting was with and what it was about because I’d be lying if I said I still wasn’t curious after seeing the way she looked at him. But I believe Parker when he says he didn’t want to go, and I try holding on to that thought.

Realizing he’s waiting for my response, I look him in the eye. “We all have bad days, thanks for apologizing. Just make sure it doesn’t happen again, or I’m going to start calling you a big brat,” I tease, the unease in my chest from earlier finally leaving as he holds me tighter in his arms.

I feel him release the breath he must have been holding, and then he places a kiss on my forehead. “Does that mean you’ll go on a date with me tonight? Or I can cook us something here.”

“Well, if we stay here, less clothing is required.” I run my fingertips down the front of his t-shirt.

“I like the sound of that.” He smirks, and I bite my bottom lip.

“I know exactly how you can make me forget all about earlier.”

Parker raises his eyebrow. “How?”

“You can cook me tacos…naked.” I wiggle my eyebrows suggestively.

“And what would it take to have you watch me while I cooked…naked?”

His husky voice has me swallowing thickly before I answer, “Margaritas.”

“Deal… I’ll Instacart everything I need and have it within the hour.” He pulls me into him, pressing a chaste kiss to my lips. “I say we get naked now.”


Fuck, I don’t want to be here surrounded by these fake ass people. Why did I agree to this?

Because you wanted to prove to them you made it…without any of their help.

I take another sip of my whiskey as I watch the crowd of my supposed family members mill about during the pre-ceremony lunch. I can’t help the disgust permanently etched onto my face today. My only saving grace is having Ava here with me. Her presence is the strength I need to make it through this wedding.

I filled her in further on my fucked-up family situation on the ride out here. How they practically ignored my dad and me after my mom passed, then abandoned me when I had no one else. Not once did my aunt or uncle invite me over for dinner or the holidays. I was alone, left to figure out this thing we call life on my own. Now, all of a sudden, I’m invited to a wedding. Even though I know exactly why I was truly invited today… But joke’s on them, I really don’t give a fuck. By the time I finished explaining what we’re walking into, my girl was about ready to start throwing down.