His brow furrows before a big grin spreads from corner to corner of his lips.
“Because I would never touch another balloon in your presence again.”
Parker chuckles, deep and smooth. “Not going to lie…that’s fucking perfect.”
“I need to study some more before we use it. BDSM can be dangerous, and all jokes aside, if you are serious about it, it’s something I’d love for us to explore together.”
My belly swoops. He is genuinely considering this.
“I’ll get you some annotation stickers so I can go back and read the important pieces and the ones you think you want to try,” I say, confirming how serious I am.
I told myself I bought the book as a joke, but deep down the possibility that we may actually do this sends an unreasonable amount of excitement coursing through my body.
I spent some time out on the patio sipping my tea and sketching new design ideas that I haven’t been able to get out of my head since our trip up to Hudson Valley. It was the perfect chill morning, but as I come inside, I feel the energy shift in the penthouse.
Long gone is the charming Parker from earlier, and in his place is an asshole I haven’t seen in a while. One I almost forgot existed. Maybe I needed this reminder.
“Where is my damn blender bottle?” he asks, slamming yet another cabinet door.
“I have no idea. I unloaded all the dishes last night, but I didn’t see it in there or the sink.”
“Well, I certainly didn’t move it, or I’d know where the fuck it is right now.”
I brush him off, not about to entertain him acting pissy to me for no reason.
“I’m about to head out to dance. I could bring home a late lunch.”
“No,” he practically growls before changing his tone. “I’m good. I have lunch plans, so don’t worry about me.”
“Oookaaay. I guess I’ll see you later, then.” I don’t attempt a goodbye kiss because I refuse to address whatever has crawled up his ass until he can realize his actions and apologize for being a d-bag.
As the elevator door opens, Parker finally acknowledges me. “Ava…”
I turn toward him, unable to control the hope I feel from my name on his lips.
“I’ll see you later, okay?” His words seem forced and emotionless.
Unsure if he’s really asking me or reminding himself, I nod in response, which must satisfy him because he turns toward his room. And that small bit of hope I felt is quickly replaced by a sense of trepidation.
Dance class was not its normal reprieve. It took me till almost the end of the class to get Parker’s mood change out of my head.
At least I worked up an appetite, so I head to my favorite deli not too far from Parker’s office. When I pass the door to his place, I can’t help but wonder what type of meeting he had today. It seemed to come up suddenly, and it certainly changed his whole demeanor. I saw a shell of the man I’ve known lately when I looked into his eyes before leaving his penthouse.
I don’t know whether to be worried for him…or me.
A few more blocks into my walk, I see one of the cafés Olivia’s always gushing over. I’m tempted to go in and grab a coffee, but instead, I’m stopping in my tracks at the sight of Parker through the window. He stands at the same time the beautiful brunette sitting across from him does.
They step toward the door, and I quickly move past the storefront, so they don’t see me on their way out. They don’t kiss, they don’t hug, and he doesn’t even wait for her to get into the black sedan waiting on her, but I watch her as she stares after him.
It’s a stare full of desire, longing, and maybe even regret.
My stomach sours at the thought, and I suddenly have no appetite. Who is this woman?
Is he seeing someone, or maybe I’m completely overthinking and there is nothing to this. But his attitude from earlier is what really has me questioning it all.
I analyze everything about the woman on my walk home. Maybe I’m overreacting, but how can I not when I’m in an uncommitted situationship?