“Ugh, I know, they were totally bummed too. They booked this Mediterranean cruise over a year ago. When they heard we were all doing this, my mom was literally about to cancel their trip,” Quinn says.
“Oh, that’s crazy. I’m sure they’re having the time of their lives there. I can picture it now,” Blossom adds with a bright smile and a wink.
“I’d rather not picture it…” Sloan teases her former assistant. “But I’m glad you both decided to make New York one of your destinations during your travels. Feels like you have been everywhere but here these last six months.”
“I wouldn’t miss this reunion for the life of me. Besides, I’ve been dying to squish these little munchkins,” Blossom says, pulling Addy in for a tight squeeze.
Addy squeaks, and then climbs over into Dalton’s lap, seemingly fixated on his shiny watch.
It's still early in the game, so we have the time to catch up and just relax before Eli is sent in. Quinn eventually sets up a pop-up pen for the girls to play in while we eat and have a few beers.
“Thank you,” Ava whispers to me as she leans in.
“For what?” I ask, hoping she means the three orgasms from this morning. Although she already proved how thankful she was.
“For setting this all up. I miss them all. Seems like life is moving so fast. I miss these moments,” Ava responds honestly.
I place a reassuring hand on her leg and squeeze gently. “I agree. Need to make time for the important things in life.” And I know without a doubt her brain will be dissecting my every word, but I mean it. Having Ava around has opened my eyes to how much I've been missing out on… How little I've actually been living, as opposed to just going through the motions.
Once again, I feel the eyes of our friends observing our every move, and quite frankly, I don’t give a shit. I’m not sure what Ava told her friends of our situationship, but if I know these girls like I think I do, she’s told them everything…down to every orgasm.
As she places her hand on top of mine, I whisper to her, “Not sure if you noticed, but we have an audience.”
“Oh, I’ve noticed.” She chuckles, and I observe the way her face lights up with her smile. My eyes linger on her lips for a moment too long before my attention is being pulled to where little Sophie is using my pant leg to get herself into a standing position.
“How did you get out?” I ask the toddler, then bend down to pick her up, walking toward the back of the skybox where she and her sister were playing.
Sophie’s giggles fill the room when I toss her into the air and catch her. Addy, not wanting to miss out on the action, makes her way over for a turn. Before I know it, I’m being attacked by two hysterical toddlers.
“Oh, you think that’s funny?” I ask Addy as she steals the hat off my head and places it on hers. Sophie is koala-hugging my leg while sitting on my foot, waiting for me to take her on a ride around the space. I scan the room, searching for reinforcements, but everyone seems to be enjoying the spectacle.
I freeze when I take in the look of pure admiration in Ava’s eyes. It has never been aimed in my direction before, and I want to find every opportunity to earn it again.
Lifting my chin to her, she snaps out of the daze she was in. Setting aside her wandering thoughts for another day, she comes to my rescue, scooping Sophie off my foot. Ava nuzzles her neck, earning her a belly laugh.
“Didn’t realize you were the fun uncle,” she teases.
“I guess there’re still things for you to learn about me.” I wink, granting me another genuine smile from Ava.
“Come on, you two. Eli is warming up in the bullpen,” Quinn says, and I pass her a squirming Addy.
“Do you know how sexy you look with babies in your arms?” Ava finally says when we take our seats, just moments before our section bursts into cheers as number Forty-One jogs across the field to the mound.
“You think I'm sexy?” I prod, nudging her with my elbow.
“You know damn well you're fucking sexy. But seeing you with babies like that…” she trails off as she bites her knuckle in exaggeration, but I can see the lingering desire shining in her hazel eyes.
Who would have thought that babies would turn her on so much? Not me, that’s for sure. To be honest, I haven’t given the idea of kids much thought. With the things I’ve been through in life, I’ve often thought the heartache that comes with having a family may not be worth the happiness. But I’m not so sure living that way is really living anymore.
I must be staring, because Ava waves her hand in front of my face, breaking my trance-like state.
“You okay? I thought I lost you there for a minute,” she says, grabbing her beer and taking a sip.
I clear my throat, pushing away those foreign ideas. “Yeah, yeah. I'm good.”
She side-eyes me for a moment longer, then focuses back on the game, where Eli has already struck out two batters.
The next half hour flies by, with Eli crushing it on the mound, and leading the Bulls to a 4 to 3 win over the Yankees.