“I hope you told her to fly a kite.”
He nods, releasing a heavy sigh. “Told her more than that.”
“Good… Did the guy know?”
“Oh, he knew.”
When he doesn’t elaborate, I decide I’ve pressed my luck enough, and who cares anyway? Fuck them both for doing that to him, especially with everything he was already going through.
“That year changed me in a way no amount of therapy will ever fix.”
Taking a deep breath, I nod in understanding, but look around at the property. “I truly think this project here may be one of the best things you’ll ever do for your healing.”
His eyes trail around, and a genuine smile takes over his face. “I think you're right, Av.”
Fuck, when he calls me Av, it feels like a million butterflies are having a rave inside my belly.
“Let me show you inside.” Parker steps ahead of me and reaches his hand back for mine. “It’s an old home, so follow right behind me.” Placing my hand into his, I let him lead the way. The feel of my small hand in his sends tingles through me, from the top of my head to the soles of my feet.
Parker ducks to get into the house. “Obviously, it needs a lot of work, but I would love to still utilize it somehow.” His grip on my hand tightens. “Come. I want you to see this back patio view.”
We walk through the kitchen area, and I immediately understand what he wanted me to see. If I thought the ride in had amazing views... This. The hills and fields roll and roll for what seems like miles. “Wow,” I exhale. “How many acres is this property?”
He lets go of my hand to open the double doors that lead out on the back patio, and I instantly hate the loss. “200 acres.”
“Endless possibilities.”
He nods. “My thoughts exactly.”
I move ahead to step out on the patio. “Ava, no!” Parker commands, grabbing my arm and halting my movement. The sharpness in his tone startles me, and I suck in a breath.
“It may not be safe. The wood looks rotten. I don’t want you to get hurt.” His tone softens as he nods toward the deck I was going to step onto naively.
When I exhale, he chuckles. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.” We’re so close, his mouth hovers over mine.
Dominant and sweet. How the hell am I not supposed to throw myself at this man and beg him to fuck me right out there in that tall green grass?
“Why are you laughing then, bossman?” I tease, pinching his side.
“Because I don’t think I’ve ever seen you listen so well without back-talking me…” A sly smirk takes over his face. “Well, that’s not entirely true either.”
My teeth slip over my bottom lip, lightly biting down at the thought of what gave him pause. Which leads me to another question I’ve often contemplated many times. “Are you a Dom?”
His expression is a mixture of shock and comedy.
“Did I just ask that out loud?”
“Yes, you absolutely did.” His voice grows huskier than before. His hand still gently holding my arm feels like a flaming torch lighting my insides on fire.
“Well, are you going to answer the question?”
“It’s a question I’ve asked myself frequently, especially over the last eighteen months.”
Eighteen months… Since our first time.
“I’m not in the sense that I don’t actively practice as a Dom, but I think it's pretty obvious I have certain tastes and a naturally dominant personality.”