The difference is, those two were written in the stars from the very beginning. Parker and I may have an undeniable chemistry, but I’m no fool to think he would ever love me.
My gaze wanders from his big hands to his flexed forearms, every tattoo on his skin a true work of art. I can’t help but want to test his restraint, because that kiss last night took every bit of mine to pull away from. But I refuse to be the one who initiates things again, I want him to want me as badly as I do him. My body is still completely agreeable to just sex with him, but my mental can’t handle the rejection again. Especially not with the progress we have made with not constantly being at each other's throats.
“We’re getting close,” Parker says, and I don’t ask questions. He said he’d explain once we got there.
I stare out the window, enjoying the peacefulness. Parker’s phone rang on and off about work for the first hour on the way up here, until he finally said he was turning it to Do Not Disturb. Unfortunately for me, Parker handling his multiple business matters while I sat beside him quietly was not annoying at all. Instead, it was a turn-on, hearing him handle all the different things he has going on with ease and dominance.
Dominance. Something I never knew I liked so much.
We turn onto a gravel road lined with trees along each side, and my mind continues to run with possibilities about what he is bringing me here to see.
The trees start to fade, and suddenly the view opens up. Beautiful fields of green grass lead to the base of the mountain. I roll my window down, enjoying the summer breeze and fresh valley air floating through the window. So different from the smells of the city.
Mountains upon mountains surround the picture-perfect view. To the left, I see a river flowing through the valley and a small bridge you can cross over on foot. Parker stops the car, and I follow as he gets out, still not saying anything.
This place is a hidden gem. I’m wondering if it was special to his parents.
I walk behind, still taking in all the natural beauty, and I see a large home in the distance. It appears to have quite a bit of age to it, from what I can see from here. But I love it. Like an antique, it will be full of character.
We walk onto the bridge and Parker leans his forearms onto the railing, looking down at the water traveling under us. I take a second to admire him like this. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him so at ease.
“What is this place, P?”
The little nickname slips out. I’m not even sure where it came from, but I think I like it, and by the smirk on his face, I would say he does too.
“P, huh?”
I shrug. “It's better than asshole, right?”
He chuckles. “Definitely.”
“This is my next investment… Well, hopefully. I’m still in negotiations with the seller. My dream would be to make it a small resort. A mixture of luxury and outdoors.” He points out into the distance. “I’d love to have some more lavish cabins away from the main property, but then make sure the main rooms are affordable for your average family.”
“Parker, you have to do it,” I say in awe, excitement thrumming through my body. A wide smile takes over my face, and I mentally start planning out décor themes and floorplans.
Looking back at me, he smiles. “I see that brain of yours working a mile a minute right now.”
“You have no idea. This would be a dream job. I know I said that about the hotel, but this is on another level. You could create an oasis here, truly.”
For the first time when my eyes find his, I notice light blue clouds mixing with the stormy grey ones. He’s happy.
“Well, if the hotel is up to my expectations, you just may have yourself another job lined up.” His brow furrows. “Unless you aren’t willing to leave the city.”
“Are you kidding me? For this, I would leave in a heartbeat.” My smile only grows as I think back on my first sketchbook.
“One of the first designs I ever created before I was even in college was an elaborate bed-and-breakfast layout.”
“Yeah, I went to visit my aunt in Paris, and she took me out to this quaint countryside town in France. We went to a retreat that was unreal. It was my high school graduation present from her. I literally created a whole plan with that as my inspiration, but with my own additions.
“That’s quite impressive,” Parker replies. Shifting ever so slightly closer to me.
“I had already decided to go to NYU, but my parents were still trying to push me to basically any degree other than what I wanted. They wanted me to be educated for the clout of it, and just never use it. But my aunt is nothing like her sister, and she told me I had to pursue this.”
“All it takes is one person to believe in you,” he says as he gently trails his fingertip over my hand resting beside his. The light touch and his genuine words make my belly dip. “I’m glad you have your aunt and your grandparents.”
“Let me show you the farmhouse,” he suggests, waving me to follow him toward the home off in the distance.