I’m already shaking my head, but he cuts off my reply.
“And before you say no just to spite me…you know it’s the simplest way to handle this tonight. I have extra rooms, so you’ll have plenty of privacy,” Parker says, and he’s wrong because I have no willpower to spite him in this moment.
“What about Binx?” I shrug him toward Parker to grab his attention back from darting around the sodden apartment.
His gaze finds Binx again. He tries to stop it, but his nose scrunches up like his next words pain him. “The damn cat can come too.”
I relent with a nod and offer him a soft smile, but the way my heart hammers from his protectiveness is a tell-tale sign that this is probably a bad idea.
Ugh, my throat is scratchy. That’s my first thought when the heat of the morning sun beaming through the curtains wakes me out of a deep and restful sleep.
My chest feels strange. It’s vibrating like it’s a battery-operated toy… It feels sort of heavy too.
Fuck, I hope I'm not getting sick.
I open my eyes, dreading the aches I fear will be coursing through my body.
“What the fuck,” I curse at the sight of the black fur ball curled up on my chest. I'm practically inhaling its fur.
It appears that said fur ball has no desire to leave its current resting place, seemingly unbothered by my loud voice. I slowly glide my hand under the cover to shift the thing off me, but the subtle movement has him moving into attack mode. He slinks down into a stealthy position, ready to pounce on my hand, so I pause, thinking he will lose interest.
I’ve never owned a cat, nor have I ever cohabitated with one either, so when he pounces on me with ninja-like quickness, I practically jump out of bed in both surprise and maybe a little fear. Not that I’d admit the latter.
“Really, dude,” I groan as the fucking fur ball claims a spot in the middle of my bed. I point at his curled-up body as he eyes me with intent. “This is not your room.”
The thing just ignores me and rolls onto his side like he doesn’t have a care in the world.
I march into the kitchen to where Ava is fighting with my espresso maker. As if she can already feel my presence in the room, she spins to face me.
“How in the world do you use this thing? I’ve been trying for fifteen minutes.”
I quirk an eyebrow as I peruse Ava in her pajamas. “That’s quite the adorable set you have on. I would have never taken you as a bunny pattern type of girl, considering the unhinged black demon you have as a pet.”
She chuckles. “Is that where he was? I’ve been looking for him. The pajamas were all I had in my suitcase from North Carolina. And besides, they are very comfortable.”
“I can see that,” I tease, as my eyes rake over her body once more. Fuck, she’s gorgeous, even in the morning.
Ava’s arms shoot out to cover her braless chest. I grin at the motion. “Come on, Legs, it’s not like I haven’t had them in my mouth before. No need to hide from me.”
Her eyes flare and she shoots me an incredulous look. But I notice the way her chest heaves. My cock twitches at the thought of seeing what’s under beneath those flimsy pajamas.
She scoffs, and then drops her arms to her sides as I walk around her to get the caffeine flowing. Effectively breaking the moment.
“Espresso or cappuccino?” I ask over my shoulder.
“Mmm, a cappuccino, please. What can I do to help?”
“Grab the milk from the fridge, then I'll teach you how to use the machine,” I say as I grind the beans.
“It’s so quiet here. If it wasn’t for the view, I would’ve forgotten we were still in Manhattan,” Ava says as she takes a sip of her second cappuccino.
“I forget sometimes too, until I walk outside.”
“You mean, until you almost get run over by a taxi, or a bike messenger. Oh, or yelled at by someone just passing by.”
“Yeah, something like that.” I chuckle.