Page 83 of Reckless Encounters

“I was hoping you’d be interested in this one,” I say, passing the signed contract to the Hudson Valley property to her.

Ava studies the paper for a minute, skimming over the words. I know the minute she realizes because her eyes go wide, then dart to mine. A gleeful smile spreads across her face.

“You got the property!” she squeals.

“I did.”

“Oh my gosh. Parker, this is amazing. Wait, you said next project… Do you mean…” she questions, her hand going to cover her mouth in shock.

I chuckle. “Yes, Av. I want you to take the lead on this. I want you to design it.”

“Are you serious? This is huge! I don’t know—” Her expression changes, as if self-doubt has taken over my talented girl’s mind.

“I'm going to stop you right there,” I say, effectively pausing her negative train of thought. “You are one of the brightest, most talented designers I’ve ever worked with. I'm not going to let you sit here and doubt yourself. I want you on this project… I want to do this together.”

“Damn, I love you,” she says, climbing across the couch to get closer to me. Those words from her lips light me up more than I thought possible.

“Is that a yes, Miss Pierce?”

“That’s a definite yes, but I have one condition.”

“What’s that?” I question with a quirked eyebrow, dragging her body till she’s pressed against my side.

“That we keep the old farmhouse… Renovate it. Make it something special for us and our families to use.”

I’m nodding before she’s even finished. “I think that would be perfect.”

Part of me knew that when I took her to Hudson Valley, it would somehow end up being something special to the both of us. I just wasn’t ready to admit it then. And now as Ava sits next to me, all starry-eyed, with her sketchbook already in her lap, I couldn’t think of anything better.

With a look of pure determination, she peers up at me and asks, “When do we start?”

I chuckle. “We will start soon enough, but for now, I have one more surprise for you.”

She follows behind me, and with our fingers interlocked, we walk up the stairs. I can see her mind racing with thoughts of what else I could be showing her until the reflection of the chrome comes into view.

Her mouth falls open as we breach the top of the loft, letting out an audible gasp. “Parker, you didn’t!”

“Oh, but I did.” I smirk.

She takes a few steps to the center of the room, trailing her hand up the stainless-steel beauty. Gripping the pole, she does one small twirl that’s sexy as hell, letting her head dip back before meeting my stare.

“I freaking love it.” She smiles widely. It may be a stripper pole to most, but to her, it’s an escape after a long day, her favorite hobby, and now it’s another symbol of how permanent I feel about her in my life.

Biting her lip, she shakes her head in disbelief. “I just can’t believe you actually had this installed.”

I step over to the pole, and she grabs my arm, pulling me closer.

“I can’t believe I didn’t think of it sooner.”

Searing my lips to hers, I whisper,, “Let’s be honest, I’m the one who will benefit from this the most.”

“I’ve been fantasizing about giving you your own private show since opening night at Masqued.”

Groaning, I’m already rock hard as I walk across the room toward a black chest. Opening the dresser doors, I look back over my shoulder with a sly grin. “You have no idea.”

She flushes at my admission, even more so when I turn to her with a small leather paddle in my grip. I watch her thighs clench as I slap it against my palm gently.

“I also stocked us up with a few things to try out.”