Haley and I laugh, but don’t stop kissing. I went years keeping my true feelings for her locked up and punishing myself for my past mistakes. Never again.

“Stop complaining, pipsqueak.”

“Whatever,” Maggie says, returning her attention to another one of her new toys.

I narrow my gaze at Haley. “Did she just whatever me?”

“Wait until she’s a teenager. It’ll be even worse.”

I run a hand over my face. “I’m not sure I’ll survive her as a teenager. And dating? I may end up back in prison.”

“You’ll be fine. You’re a good dad.” She gives me an encouraging smile. “Speaking of which…” She nods toward Maggie. “Now might be a good time.”

I draw in a deep breath as a bout of nerves overtakes me. I wasn’t even this nervous when I drove over to Haley’s to ask her to be my fake wife. Because I knew it wasn’t real. What I’m about to ask Maggie is real. And it has lifelong consequences. It absolutely terrifies me, but like I promised Haley when she agreed to give me another chance, I’m not going to walk away from things that scare me. Not anymore.

“Hey, Maggie?”

She looks up. “Yes, Beck?”

“Can you come here? I think I found one more present for you.”

Her eyes light up at the mention of another present and she jumps to her feet, running toward me. I reach behind the lamp on the side table and grab the small wrapped box, handing it to her.

My heart thunders in my chest as I watch her sit on the floor and open it. Sensing my anxiety, Haley grabs my hand and squeezes.

“It’s jewelry!” Maggie exclaims as she lifts the lid off the white box. “I love jewelry. I love being fancy, you know.”

“I know you do.”

As if I need another reminder of just how fancy Maggie likes to be. Her closet is filled with princess dresses, and I’ve been forced to attend my fair share of tea parties and makeovers. I’ve stopped even noticing when I go to work with my nails painted different colors. It’s all part of having a little girl in my life.

“Do you know what that says?” I gesture to the letters on the friendship bracelet.

“Those are our names.”

“That’s right. And do you know what the charm says? The one in the middle?”

She returns her attention to it, but shakes her head. “Not all the words.”

“That’s okay. Want me to read it to you?” I ask, struggling to keep the emotion out of my voice.

With a nod, she stands and crawls onto my lap, handing me the bracelet.

“It says, ‘It is not flesh and blood but the heart that makes us father and daughter’.”

I glance from Maggie to Haley, a few tears escaping her eyes.

“Does this mean you’re my daddy now?” Maggie asks, her brow wrinkled in confusion.

I situate her so she’s facing me. “I want to be, Maggie. But only if that’s what you want.”

“So you want to be my daddy?”

“More than anything.”

She stares at me for several moments with those wide, innocent eyes of hers. Then she wraps her tiny arms around me and squeezes. “I want that, too.”

I hug her tighter, inhaling the familiar smell of her shampoo. “I love you, Maggie.”