Page 28 of Close to the Edge

Want him. Need him. Need this, his body claiming mine, molding me to take his girth.

“Does that feel good? Do you like this, angel?”

“Yes. S-so good.” My teeth are chattering from the pleasure, but I still manage to mouth at his neck, trailing messy kisses from his ear to his shirt collar. “Please.”

Ash thrusts forward again, and finally, he’s buried all the way to the hilt. We both stare down between our bodies, blinking in shock, like there’s no way my body could have taken him like that. As though it’s some optical illusion.

“Huh,” Ash says, then swivels his hips. I gasp and tilt back my head.

He grins, fingers flexing on my hip.

Sunshine filters through the trees all around us, and this is right. So right.

The first thrust is harder than I expect—so hard my teeth clack together. After such a gentle beginning, it takes me by surprise. But it’s good, so good, and yeah, this is exactly what I want: to be held in place and fucked mercilessly, a toy for his pleasure, as the best man I know goes to town on me. My feet dangle into the empty air behind his back, jiggling helplessly, and the hammock creaks and sways with every thrust.


“I’m here, angel.” He palms my boob through my polo shirt, kneading me like he owns me, and there’s a rush of moisture between my legs in response. “I’ve got you. Fuck, you feel good.”

The mountain breeze ruffles the trees, and birds chatter to each other overhead.

It’s so perfect. Like a scene from a dream, except that the edge of the hammock is digging into my ass, and there’s an insect whining near my ear.

I don’t mind those things. If anything I’m grateful: they keep this grounded, keep it real, when otherwise it’d be so easy to write this whole encounter off as a vivid hallucination. Because believe me, I’ve daydreamed about doing this with Ash a hundred times over the last few days, in every possible position and location, but never once in those daydreams did I get a friction burn on my ass cheek.

When he crams a hand between us and thumbs my clit, I moan loud and long. Everything else empties out of my brain: the friction, the bugs, my sore feet from my shift. It’s all gone.

There’s nothing but his thick cock plunging in and out of me, the shameless wet noises drifting through the trees, and that maddening rub of his thumb.

Tension spirals low in my belly. My teeth clench and my muscles draw taut.

Close. I’m so close.

“Never giving you up again,” Ash mutters, his words a low oath. “Not for anyone or anything. Even if it makes me a bad person, I can’t ever do it again. You hear? You’re mine, Tess.”

I whimper, hips rolling madly, eyes half-lidded. Must look insane, but I don’t care.

No one has ever put me first like this. No one has ever treasured me this way, and you know what? The feeling is mutual.

Because Ash is mine, and I never want to be parted from him again. I’m done putting my own life on hold for other people; done worrying about everyone else first. He’s mine and I’m his, and that is sacred, damn it.

Besides, I’m gonna need this cock at least twice a day from now on. Holy moly.

The hammock ropes creak, and sweat trickles down my back, and my toes curl in my sneakers. When Ash grunts and pinches my clit, applying just the right amount of pressure—I stop breathing. Stop thinking. My whole brain flashes white.

Then I’m back, slamming home into my body as it shakes and trembles, pleasure crashing through me in rough waves. And I don’t even realize that I’m making that wailing sound out loud until I break off to gasp Ash’s name.

He keeps thrusting, jaw tight, chestnut eyes narrowed with focus. My sneakers jiggle behind his back, and my brother’s best friend fucks me like a brute as I come and come.

When I finally slump against his chest, Ash makes a satisfied grunt—then buries deep and swells inside me, filling me long, hot spurts. It tickles my insides and drips down my inner thighs, marking me as his in the most primal way possible.


We cling together for what feels like an age, murmuring sweet nothings to each other, until the sweat cools on my skin and night begins to fall and the sudden drop in temperature makes me shiver.

“Think they’ll cook us dinner?” Ash says, placing me gently on the ground and fishing around for my clothes.

“Think they’ll let us shower?” I shoot back, sticky and sweaty and sore as hell. But happy. So, so happy.