“Hello? Murderers?” she called out to the quiet apartment. “It’s me, Claire. I have a crazy day planned, and I would really appreciate it if you could pick another day to kidnap me.”

Only silence greeted her.

She combed methodically through her apartment, checking every nook and cranny. The apartment was empty. She heaved a sigh of relief as she put her weapon back and leapt into preparations for the big day.

“Oh, I’m so excited!” Claire bounced on her toes and straightened a picture frame. The marching band was tuned and hiding in the backyard. The fireworks technicians were ready. Family hid behind the van in the garage. All they needed was their future bride and groom.

“I know I say this a lot, but this proposal is perfection,” Mindy mumbled over a mouthful of safety pins. Part of the red, white, and blue bunting they had draped on the safety handrails was threatening to droop, but everything else was in place.

“I just hope they’re happy. And that Ericka isn’t secretly a serial killer. That would really bum me out.”

“I think we’re good,” Mindy said, gesturing to a picture of Ericka giving an Afghan child a cup of water.

Headlights turned into the driveway. Claire slapped Mindy on the arm. “They’re here! Drop the pins and get out there. Remember, give him a minute to explain about the house, then distract Ericka with her parents so Tyler can slip away and get his legs on. Then you’re in charge of the photographers.”

“Got it.” Mindy flung the container of pins across the room and disappeared out the front door.

“I can’t believe it’s finally happening,” Claire squealed to herself as she took one last look at the hallway. Candles flickered softly on the floor. Photographs of the couples were hung throughout the cozy little house. Magic was truly in the air.

She stepped into the living room and twitched the curtain aside just in time to see Ericka throw herself into Tyler’s arms. Claire’s heart soared. There was no mistaking the look in Ericka’s eyes. She and Tyler were crazy in love.

The doubt that had haunted Claire since the abduction lifted ever so slightly. Yes, she had made an unbelievable error in judgment by working with Barney. She had already learned from her mistakes. Criminal background checks and stricter screening processes were now even more essential to protect her clients. She would never again plan a proposal for a serial killer. But this moment—the reunion of lovers, the promise of a single, perfect, life-changing event—was everything she believed in. Her joy, her passion. Her life’s work. Barney was an anomaly. She could do this.

She stepped out the back door and took one last cursory glance over everything—the marching band, currently in a kneeling position, firework technicians barely visible a hundred yards out. Jerry, Claire’s primary camera person when Luke was busy and/or dead to her, had set up a tripod slightly off to one side. The grass had just been mowed, and Ericka’s favorite flowers were planted in neat rows in the flowerbeds. A couple peeked out of a second-story window in the house next door, waving at Claire and gesturing to the earplugs she had hand delivered to them. They waved small American flags. She waved back.

“Wildcats to your station,” Claire hissed to the drum major, who stood in place and gave everyone a hand motion.

The band stood and tiptoed silently into formation in the backyard. Tyler, now on his crutches, hustled around the side of the house and disappeared behind the band, where a heart-shaped collection of flower petals waited to surround him. It was a windy evening, so at the last minute, Claire had to hot glue individual weights to the petals to prevent them from scattering. It was worth every burnt fingertip. Family and friends lined the path, holding small American flags. The smell of Korean barbecue—Ericka’s favorite—emanated from two grill tables manned by local chefs.

“Where did Tyler go?” A voice came from inside the house. Through the window, Ericka touched an arched doorway, running a hand over the fabric-draped security railings in the mid-century ranch.

“I think he’s in the backyard, sweetie. He said he had something to show you.” Ericka’s mother beamed behind her. “Maybe you should try the back door.”

Claire stood and signaled to the drum major and her lights guy. They both stood ready, looking to her for guidance. As soon as she heard the knob turn, she cued them. Floodlights came on in ten-foot intervals, lining their massive back yard. An American flag unfurled behind the groom, who was hidden by the tuba section. The drumline played a brief cadence and started a patriotic march.

Ericka stopped in her tracks, blinking in the sudden light. She was a commanding presence in her army uniform and combat boots, even though she couldn’t have been more than 5’2”.

Shutters clicked from her camera crew, and the bride-to-be cracked a giant smile.

Ericka walked down the back porch stairs slowly, in time to the march. The marching band parted down the middle as she walked forward, splitting section by section. As they neared the end of the song, the last row parted, revealing Tyler, standing tall and unassisted.

Ericka clapped her hand to her mouth and ran to him, closing the last few yards between them in seconds. She folded herself into his embrace.

“But I don’t understand. How are you standing?”

Tyler lifted the hem of his pant leg, revealing his new titanium addition.

Tears filled Ericka’s eyes.

Tyler gripped Ericka’s hand firmly. Claire’s breath hitched. Had the doctor really cleared him to kneel, or had Tyler just insisted on it? Damned HIPAA laws.

He turned one prosthetic foot onto its toe, and slowly slid it backward until he was kneeling.

“Ericka, from the moment I saw you at my bedside after the worst day in my entire life, I knew that one day you would be my wife. I have never seen anyone assemble a rifle as fast as you or cook spaghetti better than you. Sorry, Mom,” he said, glancing over his shoulder.

“You have been the great love of my life, and my inspiration to keep trying after my injury. You are the kindest, bravest, most incredible woman I know. I bought this home for you. For us, to start a lifetime of happiness together. Would you do me the great honor of being my wife?”

Ericka nodded forcefully, tears now dropping freely. “Yes!” She pulled Tyler to his feet to hug him properly. Her hat fell to the ground as he pulled her in for a celebratory kiss.