“Go back to the ballroom and surround yourself with people. If they catch you on your own, they’ll try to take you early. And if they get too close, they might notice that you’re not actually Wendy.”
“Got it,” Claire said, hustling back down the hallway to the ballroom. She stepped inside and into the throng of women.
“Oh, love your blazer. Where did you get it?” she asked a black woman with diamond studs and royal blue Manolo Blahnik pumps.
She listened halfheartedly to the woman’s response while sweeping the party. Nicole and Mindy were stationed at the back of the ballroom doing the same thing. Luke and Kyle stood with their backs to the bar.
“Thank you so much, ladies,” the speaker said as she walked off the stage to applause.
Mei from the historical society stepped up to the podium in a powder blue dress and lowered the microphone. Her dark hair shone under the lights. “And now we have a special guest speaker who recently won the coveted West Haven Planner of the Year Award for the first time. Please welcome Wendy Flutter of The Yes Makers.”
There was a light, scattered applause, and Claire picked up her hem and walked to the stage. She nearly made it all the way to the top before remembering she was supposed to be drunk. She stumbled up the last stair and nearly plowed headlong into the podium.
“What’s up, party people?” she called into the microphone. There was dead silence in the room. “My name’s Wendy Flutter, proposal planner extraordinaire. You’ve probably seen my proposals on YouTube.” She tossed her hair over one shoulder.
“Anyway, I’m here to talk to you about taking risks.” This topic had come to her at the last second. It had been on her mind since her impulsive decision to start accepting out-of-area proposals. “Too many people live in a safe little bubble all their lives. But I’m here to tell you that there are things worth taking risks for. Whether it’s seeking a small business loan to expand your business, or?—”
Someone in her voice interrupted. “You’re being too Claire-like,” Mindy hissed.
“Or maybe you gotta go after this hot guy from your spin class. You can’t live your life in a bubble, ladies. You need to go out there and go after what you want. To hell with anyone who tells you differently.”
“They’re inside,” Sawyer said in her ear. “Some are approaching the ballroom, others are standing by the exits. I count twelve.”
Her heart rate doubled. Twelve? They were hopelessly outnumbered. Luke and Kyle left the ballroom to take their positions.
Right, she was supposed to be giving a speech.
“As ladies, we’re supposed to be like solid and predictable and boring. Plod along on that well-traveled road, never deviating or surprising anyone. Leave the risks to the men so they get all the rewards. But not anymore, girls. We’re going to get what’s ours.”
The back door cracked open. Her heart stuttered. Three men who had to be members of ESA slunk inside. One was exceptionally tall with a hooked nose and a band T-shirt. A short guy, squat but muscular, with an ill-fitting button-down shirt, walked in behind him. And the third had cold eyes with a penetrating gaze that made her shudder even from thirty yards away. They weren’t doing much to fit in. Her heart beat even faster. Evil was crossing the room like a dense fog. Goosebumps formed on her arms. Was she really going to make it out of this alive? Or was she going to die trying to protect the yogurt-judging shrew who slept with her fiancé?
Her hands trembled, and the water bottle fell from the podium. It landed on the stage with a loud thunk.
“You look like you need a water,” Claire slurred, picking up the bottle and tossing it into the crowd. It struck the mayor of West Haven in the temple. Good, another lawsuit.
“Sorry, Madam Mayor.” She curtsied. “The world is a scary place, right? We all have fears. I’m afraid of Beanie Babies and artichokes, for example. Most women in business are afraid of failure. But we can’t let fear run our lives. We can’t let fear stop us from taking chances, from changing lives. How will you know what you can accomplish if you never try? You’re capable of more than you think. If you work hard, spend wisely, and curate a solid foundation of devoted clients, you can do anything. You can change the world. You can implement a ‘green’ policy. You can sell that new product. You can shove your success right in the face of the patriarchy.”
Mindy cleared her throat. Shit, she was slipping back into Claire again.
A couple of women applauded. Her anxiety ticked down a notch.
“In conclusion, ladies. You are capable of greatness. Today, I encourage you to find the courage to do whatever it is you need to take things to the next level. Apply for a loan. Launch that new online store.”
Nicole sighed in her ear.
“Ask out that guy from spin class. Don’t wait for permission. Stop waiting on the world and go seize it by its balls.”
She dropped the microphone on the floor and walked off the stage. There was more applause than before. It was almost heartwarming. She made a detour to the bar and grabbed another club soda. The penetrating gaze of the ESA members came from just behind her. It was time to lure them outside. Maybe she could use the glass as a backup weapon.
“There’s one on the patio. Be careful,” Sawyer muttered in her ear.
She stumbled through the room to the set of double doors behind the stage and pushed through them to the patio. It was a pity this wasn’t a real event because it was a lovely evening. Cool, but not cold. The sun had set, and the lake glittered with the light of the full moon. Even the mosquitoes seemed to have taken a break.
“They’re almost on you. Luke and Kyle, keep your eyes open,” Sawyer said.
Footsteps followed her. She hustled to the edge of the lake and pretended to be looking for fish. Her sunglasses were too dark, so she dropped them to the ground. She needed every bit of her night vision if she was going to make it out of this alive.
“Hey. You’re coming with us,” a male voice behind her grunted.