Page 122 of Say Yes to the Death

“Sounds great. Let’s go,” Aaron said, a tremor in his voice.

Jane and Aaron walked slowly to the back of the studio. She clearly wanted to stop and look at some of her paintings, but Aaron guided her with a hand on the small of her back.

Finally, they walked into the darkroom. There was a soft gasp as Jane stepped inside and snapped the door shut.

Nicole sprang into action, picking up a tablet, and opened the program that was linked to a number of Wi-Fi-capable digital cameras inside the darkroom. False camera shutter noises came from the screen. It wasn’t as good as having free range over the angles, but it would have to do for a couple who craved privacy.

Claire stood on tiptoe to peer over Nicole’s shoulder. Even with the limited angles, the lighting was flawless. Jane’s eyes sparkled. Aaron’s smile was much more relaxed now that he wasn’t in the middle of a throng of aggressive relatives.

Claire flailed her hands above her head, trying to draw everyone’s attention. The relatives, who had clearly been waiting with bated breath for this moment, stormed across the wooden floorboards like a herd of cattle.

She held out one hand, certain that they would press their noses against the closed door if she allowed it.

“Shhhh, give them their space,” she hissed, shooting a pointed glance at Aaron’s Uncle Joe, who had a GoPro on his forehead and a DSLR camera in front of his face.

The relatives reluctantly retreated a few feet, glancing at Jane’s artwork but still focused on the door. It was so quiet in the studio that rain tapped audibly against the storefront. Thankfully she had counted on the rain and secured a very photogenic umbrella for their impromptu engagement photo shoot.

A loud squeal sounded from behind the closed door, and everyone crowded around again.

“Oh my god, yes!” Jane said, sounding slightly muffled.

Claire waved the waiter over, and he began distributing champagne. She took a glass, then immediately set it back down. If the press happened to stumble by the gallery tonight, she would surely end up on the front page of the paper. Hartley the Harlot Dares to Sip Champagne.

It was all Rachel’s fault. If she hadn’t accused Claire of being an alcoholic during the preliminary trial, the press would have had no ammunition. And now she was going to have to see Rachel’s stupid, smug face this weekend when she visited Barney in prison. Ugh. There was time to worry about that later. She still needed to make sure the family didn’t stampede Aaron and Jane when they came out.

Nicole’s warm presence arrived at her shoulder, camera poised to capture the happy couple’s exit, and Claire smiled at her best friend.

The antique knob turned slowly, and Jane and Aaron stepped out, not paying attention to anyone or anything in the room but each other.

“Surprise!” various family members yelled.

“Jesus Christ!” Jane panicked, screaming and flinging her pearl-studded clutch into the audience. It hit Uncle Joe in the cheek and knocked his GoPro off.

Claire snatched up the GoPro and returned it, retreating as the bride-to-be profusely apologized and was swarmed by family. Nicole, clearly grateful to be back in charge of the camera, whipped out the stepladder Claire had used earlier and climbed it, aiming her camera at the mob of joyous family.

“So,” Mindy said, a spinach dip crostini in her hand.

“So?” Claire said, leaning against the wall and fighting the urge to take her phone out and jump back into the next proposal. They had a meeting in the morning with their client, Dr. Weaver, for the escape room proposal. Her head was buzzing with ideas.

“You’re going to Venor tomorrow to meet with the professor about your mark.”

“Yes, after the meeting with Dr. Weaver.”

“And then on Friday you’re having a dinner party.”


“With the guy who smashed your heart and his mysterious estranged brother.” Mindy raised her eyebrows.

“Yes. But he doesn’t know his brother is coming.”

“Right. I’m sure that won’t backfire. And your biological father, who abandoned you two decades ago.”

“That’s correct.”

“And his family, who you know nothing about.”

“Just his wife, as far as I know. Trampy Tanya.” Claire shrugged.