Page 114 of Say Yes to the Death

There was a crashing sound from the bathroom, and Sawyer slid into the kitchen, completely naked and covered in suds. There was some kind of scar on his abdomen, a set of three gashes that were six inches long. Had he pissed off a demon?

The scar was less distracting than his mammoth-sized?—

“What is it?” he asked, pivoting. He pulled a knife from the block on the counter. “An intruder? A note?”

She was so shocked by the sight of his naked body that she almost forgot to respond. “No, sorry, everything is fine. It’s just a pen.”

“A pen?” The knife clattered onto the countertop. Sawyer covered his junk and moonwalked backward out of the room and into the hallway. “Why did a pen make you scream?”

“The initials on it. ESA. Actually, Epsilon Sigma Alpha.” Her whole body tingled from head to toe. She had surely just uncovered a clue. She could feel it. “I didn’t notice the letters were Greek when I first found it in the woods outside Luke’s house.”

Sawyer swore. “So, unless the Toilet King was an extremely careless frat boy, someone from Barney’s fraternity was in the woods outside Luke’s house.”

“Exactly. I was right. I’m being targeted…by a bunch of frat boys.”


To Do:

- Escape room puzzle double check

- Grocery shopping – lasagna ingredients

Claire woke the next morning to someone pounding on her door. She sat up, heart rate skyrocketing. Her arms were still tied to the bedframe with scarves. Pins and needles ran the whole way down them. She frantically twisted her wrist until she freed one and tossed the covers onto the floor. Rosie barked and whined at the bedroom door.

Claire freed her other wrist and grasped blindly on her bedside table for Taser #2. She left her room and stepped cautiously down the hallway.

Sawyer was already up and pressing a button on the security monitor. Claire’s breath hitched when she saw Luke’s hooded and sleepless eyes.

Sawyer turned to her, a question in his eyes.

Claire exhaled noisily. She set her Taser on the bar and ran a hand through her wild hair. It wasn’t a murderer, but the conversation was sure to be almost equally as uncomfortable. “It’s okay, he’ll understand.”

She threw the door open. The two stood and stared at each other, silent for a moment.

Rosie barked and leapt for Luke immediately, jumping at him and trying to lick his face. Luke bent down to pet her. She put her paws on his thighs, panting happily.

“You’re supposed to be in California.” Claire was almost surprised by how cool her voice sounded.

“I’m not. Can I come in?”

She slid the door open another few inches to reveal Sawyer, who had mercifully put his shirt back on.

Luke glanced at the crumpled blanket and pillow on the couch. His normally playful and confident eyes were stormy with anger, but he didn’t say anything.

“I was just leaving. Claire was freaked out after we stopped an abduction attempt last night,” Sawyer said, holding up both hands as if to proclaim he was innocent.

Claire shot a warning look over her shoulder.

“Yeah, Kyle mentioned that. And I saw the article. And the video. It’s kind of why I’m here.”

Damn it, Kyle.

Sawyer nodded. “See you tomorrow for class?” he said to Claire, slinging his overnight bag over his shoulder.

“Yes, see you then. Thanks again.”

Sawyer stepped past Luke into the hallway, leaving a ringing silence in the apartment.