“Fated mates were first mentioned way back by the Precursors,” I muse to myself. “So if there have been fated mates since then, maybe there have been other fated mates who keep meeting each other time after time. Maybe we met for the very first time as Precursors.”
From the cabin, there is an alert. We are approaching Glimner. I shake my head, realizing I must have spaced out in my thoughts for longer than I thought.
Once I’ve delivered the shipment of embryos, I have the day before I can make a pick-up for my return journey. I search the comm-nav for a place to do more research on the Precursors, taking me to a research hub in a small town called Bandan Grove.
As I skim over forests and lakes, I am reminded of my recurring dream of being an Ishani. The landscape here feels alive and vibrant. The mountains rise in front of me, like the welcoming hand of home.
Bandan Grove is no more than a small collection of buildings, perched precariously on the side of the mountain. I put the flyer down on the small landing bay.
When I approach the hub, something like a library where documents and relics are kept, I am greeted by a man named Dantonio. An amused voice in my head wonders if he is a relic being kept here himself, as he is the oldest Grolgath I think I’ve ever seen.
He smiles in greeting and holds out his hand as if he’s been expecting me. “Come on in,” he says, leading me inside the research hub and offering me a seat at a table.“How can I help you?” he asks.
Something about his kind smile and gentle eyes tells me I can trust him, and before I know it, I tell him everything.
“Have you heard of the planet of Jwoon III?” he asks.
“I have to admit, I haven’t,” I reply.
“There’s not much information you’ll find in a book on what you’re asking me. But I hope you’ll find the people who know what you seek if you go to Jwoon III. They keep to themselves there, which is why their knowledge has not been tainted over the centuries by outside influence. If anyone still knows, they do.”
My heart leaps at his words. “Thank you,” I tell him sincerely.
“I hope you find what you need,” he offers sincerely. “And if you do, maybe come back here and teach an old man something new.”
When I get back to Kilgari, I research Jwoon III. There really is very little known about the peaceful little planet tucked away in a remote arm of Athenaverse. The small blue planet spins above my Holo-desk as my AI tour guide instructs me on the people and history of this place.
The door alarm rings, notifying me that Elyzin has arrived. “Let him in,” I instruct.
“Hey man, how’s it going?” he says by way of greeting. “Are you enjoying your new job?”
“It has its perks,” I admit.
“Wow,” he says, looking at the still-rotating planet at the center of my desk. “Is that where you’re going next?”
I suddenly feel a shadow of unease pass over me. I wish I’d shut the Holo down before he came in. But then I tell myself I’m being too critical of my oldest friend. He doesn’t care for Libby, but he can’t understand the relationship we have or the fact that she and I have been together for multiple lifetimes now.
“It’s just some research I’m doing,” I tell him. “Libby’s research on past lives makes me think there’s something to it. I think I may be able to find some answers on Jwoon III,” I answer somewhat vaguely.
“That’s quite a big assumption to make, Hyx. I can’t help thinking it’s just that Libby is just dragging you into her craziness. You should just dump her ass and move on.”
I growl at him, immediately sorry I said anything at all. “I’m not going to dump her. And it isn’t crazy. I have memories of past lives, too. Am I crazy?”
He sighs. “Fine. You do what you need to do. I still think you’re getting in over your head because of a piece of tail. In a few years, this is going to be a phase you think about in embarrassment, you know.”
I glare at him again. “If you’re just here to knock Libby, you can leave.”
He shakes his head. “Look, man. No. I’m sorry. I didn’t come here to fight about this, again. I just wanted to check in on you. Make sure everything is okay. You’re still my best friend, even if I think you’re going off the deep end right now.”
I fold my arms, but somewhere deep inside me, I can see his point. If our situations were reversed, if Elyzin was insisting he had lived multiple past lives and asking me to just take his word for it, I’d probably have some… concerns, too.
From his point of view, he’s seen me rush into an intense relationship, quit a job I liked to become a courier, and begin spouting some rather unusual theories we both would have deemed as ‘crackpot’ only a few months ago. Can I really blame him for reacting a little… judgmentally?
I drop it, instead reassuring him that I’m fine. But I don’t tell him anything more about my plans or Libby’s research, still not quite ready to trust him fully, either.
It’s another week before I get a courier trip that heads anywhere near Jwoon III, giving me the opportunity to make my way there after I complete my errand.
I’m running casually through the safety protocol before hitting warp drive, when a light pings, asking me if I’d like to alert my passenger of take-off.